The second path
g because the same day she had moved into the hostel, she notified her mum on whatsapp of her success in getting a bed space and settling in. She complained about the issue
y queens putting on. She felt bad with her simple black jeans and yellow polo. It wasn "t as if she wasn't self confident but little things like physical appearances mattered a lot to her. Ore was instantly regretting why she didn't bring some of the hot gowns she had hidden from her mother to school. Maybe then, the girls who flung their coloured wigs without a care in the world, would be admiring her instead of it being the other way round. Ore's sigh of regret made Mercy to wonder and Ore found that her appetite had left her. Mercy noticed that and gave Ore a warning to desist from lusting after material things because they killed in the long run. Ore huffed and proceeded in biting some flesh out of the chicken leg. She watched Mercy relax on her bed as she typed away on her phone. Ore silently pondered how Mercy could live without the sight of those babes moving her to her core. For her, it was an inner battle but she decided to shrug the thought out of her mind and enjoy the saucy soup in silence. The next morning was a Sunday and Mercy had to wake Ore up at 5:30 a.m. for them to prepare for the early mass by 7:00 a.m. Ore mubbled under her breath as she stretched her arms stiffly in the air and relaxed more comfortably into her warm blanket. She wanted to sleep some more but Mercy was having none of it. She sprinkled water from her bailer on Ore's face which was muddled with spittle which dripped from her a