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The Vampire King's Assassin Pet

The Vampire King's Assassin Pet


Chapter 1 A Shifter's Fate

Word Count: 1562    |    Released on: 12/08/2022

y the throngs of enslaved wolves and their masters getting ready for the auction sh

m ready a few hours before. But now…I do

hour. Come on then, let’s get you dressed up and ready. You must look you

troduced to Jax, I hated the material. But not as much as I hated my new life or the beast that ended my old one. Here now, in the dressing room, the murmur of the au

You’ve trained years for

uch a beautiful color. Like blood.” He smirked, his pointed fangs shooting out a bit. I nodded in agreement, even though I disagreed. I saw nothing sp

top coming no matter how

en I lost my own family as well, thirteen years ago. Ferrara DeMarco is the enemy,” his eyes darkened, an unearthly growl rising fr

ss. It was a trap employed by bad people to escape ju

re driving my claws into the hollows of their throats. It eased my pain to see the bloo

s,” I repeated

the wide slit allowing air in my privates. I decided not to wear panties. Ferrara might check to ascertain if I was truly a virgin, and if found otherwise he might not be willing to buy me for the right price. The downside about the dress is, that I

he had a son and wife before but they died in a clash with the Lycans. Perhaps this would’ve lessened my thirst for vengeance a bit. He knew pain. He was alread

pity but death. A

could see how well the dress fitted me. “Beautiful,” he muttered, reaching

nk y

es flitting between Jax and me. I cautiously moved away from him, c

dismissive. She didn’t notice tho

nd your armor is being submissive. You won’t

of that, Jax. I

o my cage. Guess he doesn’t still trust me well enoug

r things to get

limbed up one or two to get to the elevated platform that served as a stage filled with cages. The guards hustled me past the other masters and their pets for sale, while Jax spoke to me telepathically, urging me not to lose focus and perfect my submission. A part of me boiled at the way the Academy treated shifters like we didn’t have the r

aining me. It was time to

Jax, glancing around once more a

ded. Only you can save them now. This shouldn’t be happening to your kind. When he is gone, the Vampire Academy will cha

s. He always had the perfect thing to say and lift my spirits. He was nice a

cores of important figures, all vampires walking in and fla

Give him fifteen minutes and he’ll be here soon. I’

pection. A figure emerges from backstage – a hard-faced woman with gray lines in her hair. She turned me about slightly, humming in satisfaction. I all

nary, yet powerful. She loved the blazing red color of my lipstick. “It compliments your dress perfectly and makes you stand out q

I voiced out my fears. Her eyes da

ent and naughty at the same time.” Her rough hands closed around my arm, her

t that means?” she makes a knife-slicing gesture and I shuddered. She stepped back and the guards fastened a red coll


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