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The Return Of Magical Son-in-law

Chapter 2 In search of my bride

Word Count: 751    |    Released on: 12/08/2022


over heel



n mouth immediately He

ashy cars and lights e

rlier" Princeton muttered and walked

someone at a supe

ing!" The female voice came

d packed everything wh

it over to her

" the prince said while Princet

d the cab

going Mr?" Th

going?" He asked

to the city?" The

s, ``he

hotel then" He said and

with a modest priz

ckled and looked at

an afford it. There's no hotel here with

to one with the lowest

ng me dad gave us enough money why a

money, seriously?" P

!" Prince

g it all in the hotel room" Princeton sc

aid and stopped the car in f

nce gapes looking at the exterior deco

ut you down?" P

es gi

e of getting a room will be,you don't know?" P

lly checked in

looking arou

his room at home is not that good to this but then he thou

ing on a hunger strike before finding my bride"

be now if she's this pretty in

ne you have not seen? What if she

s my mate or not! Beside this applys to you not me we humans d

ill she loved you? Princeton!

the closet. Hopefully he will get a department job within three w

and went to t

ll shower,it's the be

here or where it may be to me" He sai

ir. Just yesterday when he took a bath around this time h

use there's no way he could have booked his flight the fo

and inserted the sim. He had been dreaming to

ing cash I have to rent a house, get a job if possible with a different part-time

lso lay


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