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Trapped Between The Billionaires

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1194    |    Released on: 16/08/2022


em to the rays of evening sunlight that escaped into his room. He l

His ex-girlfriend Rachel, was like his life, and he had loved her more than anythin

to matured for all this. He rose up from the bed, heading

to forget about the whole incident o

ow to forget about everything and he was going to employ that

nd for the life of him, he couldn’t quite understand why he had kept something as full as his beard. He

hings for her, things he usually didn’t do. He loved her to t

ght Rachel, the woman he loved fucking another man. As if that was not enoug

f he hadn’t left the scene immediat

elf from doing anything rash. No doubt, if he had acted on his emotions, he

up of coffee. That was the only thing that could help him kick star

in his cup, taking a small sip. His head felt lighter th

ing a well needed shower, Maxwell dr

rs as he wanted to be alone tonight, he drove

any people knew it but Maxwell’s wealth rivaled that of the president’s, and he had so

his name, and he had everything he coul

It was getting darker now as he drove into a nightclub. The club belonged to one of his

ually thought he stood a chance in terms of power and dominance but Maxwell,

the direction of the voice and discovered it was on

n? sorry, i tend to forget t

’ the b

xwell chuckled. ‘’You’ll be at the VIP right? I’ve got som

that he had mentioned it. He made his way towards the VIP secti

of them. That was one of the perks of being popular. At times,

er here.’’ M

s. Maxwell relaxed on a high backed chair, accepting a gl

t calling her when Tim came with the

girl but right at that moment, he just didn’t car

fine lady?’

d of himself for bringing a call girl to his boss. Maxw

his way out of the club

sugar?’’ The girl

irl to his mansion. The mansion was his sacred place, a place o

rling.’’ Max

n’t know he had. The girl kissed his cheeks softly, caressing his body even as h

action and he was quite glad he was

at he was doing. He couldn’t lodge into a cla

r planned on doing. The girl in his arms didn’t seem to mind instead, all that

two at a time. He pushed the door ope

was deep inside her. She moaned, caressing his chest wit

s final

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