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Trapped Between The Billionaires

Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 1456    |    Released on: 24/08/2022


and for a moment Alisha wished she would have

, and at this time of the year the heatwave recently had been particula

om her job at the real estate agency she worked at, and she

self a cog that made the company's wheel turn every day. She loved her job but she kne

also some things she ought to have grumbled about, but she held her pea

HR was always flirting, and trusted her but she always put him in his place. The whole office k

ry that she'd been secretly working on with her laptop but instead, she w

Investor Hunter and because she was looking for the precise outfit to wear tonight. Even though her

he thought she might see a more better d

is date since forever, and now she didn't want to disappoint him and end up not sh

ing on dates as it was like the day of the weekdays, where she could rest but then t

eyes glowed seeing the dress instantly calling out to her. It was not the dress Audrey ha

that she owned something as gorgeous as this, and had bought it some w

e of the only good dressed, she had and she must have likely used mo

ress. The details of the cut made it obvious that the designer was a crazy maestro, and a smile

dresser started vibrating violently, as sh

orning, before she got to work but it seemed she had forgotten and made a dive

mile appearing on her lips she

h doing today?" She smiled at the soft complimen

actually older than she looked or sounded and for a woman in her early thirties,

e later and when I bring you all the gists."

a. What the fuck are you doing at home?” Audrey didn't sound disappointed, and

she was right, and she panicked a bit even th

o far, and quick without her not

ter the tense silence, and her rich laughter echoing into her earlobes, Audrey said, "Y

before ending the call

ell pleasantries and Alisha was

s spoke so much confidence in a way most women wouldn't be able to pull off, an

ess little child whenever she was shouted at and Alisha knew deep down that she was just like that b

Alisha dragged herself back to her dressing mirror, and

ld lead into something more that she most definitely didn’t want, b

r that was taking her to the reserved restau

anting about where it was located, instead all she knew and she had tol

he name sounded weird to her, and a little creepy too. Well, she

't be able to come pick her up, because he wanted to make rese

cause she had already planned to take a t

e-aged cab driver who was pretty good at his job, had noticed he

'The Eternals', and they had conversed abou

had surprised him well when they had talked, as he claimed that

ever p

ad already started, and paying the driver off and even giving him a hu

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