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Royal Majesty

Chapter 8 Where are you

Word Count: 781    |    Released on: 01/11/2022


Adam B

I could see were clouds. I

e girl I met earlier. I

Adam B

fe. I thought I was going to die. I cou

me want to sink

fe. Safe.

was indeed safe. There wa

ow was my next resort. I might not be

ld hold on to right no

ubbins and my eyes wa

eyes letting the tears fall. Those

seat trying to

Adam B

. I couldn't be with a human and

uck do you have lo

ss. I was never going to be happy. S

ly and gave in to sleep. Even if


as g

ew h

reached for my face. M

look or feel like. It's the

This is who I am now. Nobody needs

tared at it. I wasn't about to

the ends of the world

Adam. I'

nd walked out of the room. I headed outside

I walked pass t

e bowed in a


again? How do we know

, Cyrus. We're seek

short of words. I didn't bot

he followed me al

rfall into the human's world,

so much light and heat?" Cy

e came prepared. This world contrasts

t all worst. Dis

ided to focus on

ding ahead and trying to pi

his apartment, I couldn't pick his sce

ked. I didn't reply. I was too

crazy, sad, happy, erotic, sensible and criminal thoughts, I spe

s but none s

e Adam B

I ignored it at first but somethi

e Adam B

me, I traced it. I knew my ins

w" I an

l?" Cyrus

going to

Russia,?" One of the me

little human" Cyrus c

ugh countries and ofcourse enduring t

ouldn't get through. All I got wer

ed to

nd I could see relief and happ

g to run for so

enjoy their break, I ded

you, Adam?

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