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Different: The White Wolf

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 2031    |    Released on: 17/08/2022

handsome jet-black dude. And then almost as quickly as the kiss had started, I stopped it and disappeared into the darkness before the lights would come on and he would see my face

ed, his words coming out muttered due to his mouthful. "I can't wait to see the day that Lena actually falls in love with someone. " I heard a familiar voice speak and I turned around to see Leah striding into the kitchen casually. That's a surprise, when did she get here? And how did she look so put together and glowy this morning, stunning in her pink romper and matching colored flats? Well, I wasn't too shocked that Leah was here though, we always spent time at each other's houses and like I said before, we're like twin sisters. "Keep talking and you won't life to see any day at all." I retorted, feigning a smile and she grinned back playfully. "Oh my God, Lena. You're so single it's frustrating your life this morning." Leah laughed and I told my eyes. "Why are you guys talking like I haven't had a boyfriend before?" I had to ask, they were treating me like I was some love-sick hormonal teenager. "Just so you know, pimply-faced Curtis you had your first kiss with in right grade doesn't count." Leah teased, laughing. I groaned in frustration, "It was an accident!" I maintained my stance over the incident that happened four years ago and didn't pay attention to the snickers from my family member in the background. Leah's laughter tapered down and she cleared her throat, "Well Sharman family, I'd love to stick around longer but Lena and I have to get going to school now." Leah announced to my parents and Mason and I arched my brows at that. "But I haven't had my pancakes yet." I cooed and pouted. "Wake up earlier next time, or better still get your car fixed." She rejoindered and I huffed, rolling my eyes. My car broke down during the weekend and I've been too lazy to get it towed to the repair place so I'm stuck with tagging along with Leah for rides. Not like any of us were complaining though. I threw a middle finger at her and she snickered. I went over and placed a kiss on my mum's cheek and then hugged my dad goodbye. "Bye mum, Bye dad." Walking over to where Mason sat, I ruffled his brown locks playfully, "Bye, Mason. Try not to be a nuisance at school today." He huffed, ignoring me and continued concentrating on his plates of pancakes. "Let's go." I beckoned to Leah and we both walked out of the house and made out way to her Black Hyundai Elantra, our ride to school this morning. I was in charge of the music so I connected my phone via bluetooth to the car speakers and increased the volume of the rap music that blared through the speakers. Leah didn't like that type of music though, she was a Taylor Swift type of girl and I absolutely adored NBA Youngboy. "I just took the foreign on the block and took the top off. Talking out his top, I go by top, I get em' knocked off." I rapped along to the lyrics of the song and that earned me series of sighs and eye rolls from Leah. I chuckled at some. As we drove down the road, I look out the window and fed my eyes with the sight of my hometown, Willow Town. It was just a pack in form or shape of a town, or maybe just a town; because only the dwellers knows this beautiful small town is actually WILLOW MOON PACK. Most of the people who lived here were werewolves members of our pack, but we weren't hostile to the humans that decided to live here. The Alpha is a rich, business tycoon amd his Luna was running the business under "Halewood High" and you'd never guess it, but I had their son; the mighty Alpha son craw

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