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Different: The White Wolf

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1739    |    Released on: 17/08/2022

pped the Alpha’s son and I knew the fucking consequences of that and there was a whole lot people could do about that. Especially when they come to know the fact that the girl who slapped him and

? What type of crack does he smoke? What he said didn’t even make any sense! I couldn’t believe my ears. My eyes twitched and my body was vibrating. I could loose it if I stay here for one more second. “Then I’m calling off the date I never want to see you again!” I stomped on his foot hard and he groaned in pain as he clutched it. “Fucking bastard.” I spat and pushed him then he fell to the floor then I walked away briskly from the two. I looked over my shoulder on my way out and I saw Madison had bent down to take care of pained Trevor. I scoffed and walked out of the hallway. I didn’t even wash the toilets after all and for the second time in twenty-four hours, I had left Leah my bestie alone. I texted her what happened and told her I needed to clear my head. She’s a wonderful person and she immediately understood, she even offered that I came over to her house today and spend the night there which I immediately agreed too. I needed her comfort. Surely, I’d get a scolding and land in a much bigger punishment tomorrow when Principal Price finds out I didn’t do my share of the punishment but hopefully, Leah would cover me. But then again, even if she doesn’t, I don’t care. -:- I left school in Leah’s car. She had offered it to me since I was leaving early on the condition that I laid no single scratch on it. She even made me sing the national anthem then take an oath that I’d be super careful while driving it. She was so obsessed with her car, I wouldn’t blame her though, it was a stunner. She said I should bring it back with me when I was coming back to her place later tonight. Even though I was warned against it by Leah because she was afraid I’d crash it, I was driving at full speed back home. My head was spinning, I was clouded in thoughts and I was still bewildered from everything. I thought I had it all, the nice ass, those big tits boys always teased me for and a pretty face. So what must’ve made Trevor choose Madison. I was so bothered about it because it hurt my self-esteem. I even thought that maybe I had developed some serious feelings for him, maybe that’s why I was sad. But no that wasn’t why, I was just mad he went for Madison. I was trying to wrap my head around everything. Trying to figure out where I went wrong and how I was at fault. I wasn’t. Apparently, it’s almost like a taboo for a girl to decide to be chaste in this generation. Trevor just wanted me for sexual favours, he probably knew I wouldn’t give it to him even though I had agreed to go on a date with him and he went for a cheaper alternative. I don’t know why he and literally all the other boys I’ve rejected are so keen on me sleeping with them and when I refuse, they get so mad. I wonder if it’s a crime to be celebate? I wasn’t a virgin, granted, but I just wanted to abstain for a while. Trevor Lance

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