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The Fire Saber Ranger

Chapter 2 A story

Word Count: 1863    |    Released on: 20/08/2022

the air ready to stab him not until... Freddie jolted

time. Freddie looked very scared and at the same

Kim (His Mom) who dashed i

t" Kim asked Freddie who was fidgeting and at the same

ened" She added this time holding him on the shoulder. Fredd

d a d

with a narrow eyes she

pierce dad in the belly and that was when i woke up. Mom what's going on; why am I having this same dream o

h and you'll feel fine I promise" Kim raised her two hands

die feel good as that didn't last long. They were interru

he dinning room" Chloe said with con

" Jack added with his eyes fisted on

ddie replied in a way that a man without life

at on another with their brows lower

ing from his mother's arm, taking his pillow, pinning i

ey bro; sure you don't wanna tell us about it" she ch

Yea, i mean if you don't tell u

blings in such a slow and manner way. As Kim heard this, she became w

laimed with her

he sat back on the wooden chair placed beside the c

who was just staring at them for

a story I'll l

dered with her hea


rowed brows and his hands opened with no idea of what telling a story has to wit

ere moving into a story time which chloe loves, she dressed her self very c

your father, where he is, why you haven't seen him for a c

iously" she sa

an answer" jack added as he adjusted

and where your father is" Kim said as he

by who; what and where he is?" Chloe asked a

telling me he worked as an engineer" Freddie adde

said pressing her lip

n a funny way. Her reaction made jack and Freddie stare at her wit

ever we hear latest news but seriously mom w

nd out about your father's disappearance" Kim said this time as she remov

t he died" Jack wondered

ber galaxy world " Kim said not looking into their fac

made a fixed gaze at kim befo

y world" Kim said with a stern face

" Freddie jokingly asked which didn'

disagreement Jack

ast chosen ones who we know as the fire saber rangers are transported to when thei

ed again as they looked at each other be

" Kim affirmed her point wit

said rubbing his hands together. He felt unco

ossing his legs and arms together,

re, anyway I'll explain" Kim lit up and she e

save and protect the earth and the people from the evil ones who are bent on taking control of th

Meaning he was chosen to be a leader of the f

oe was eager to let out her f

e the fire saber rangers. They swore to protect the people from the evil one. You see Son! The

Freddie said with a c

ly when you were little, there was this time

e blurted "yeah yeah, I remember, actu

t took place between your father and the great

said but this time seating

rd and leader of the kolvax gala

ed dad" Freddie said with a nod as he began to

Freddie "I saw how your father was badly battered by Jurazuss. I wanted to help but i couldn't"


time to bring an end to the evil ones, if you can't, a new leader will emerge. It bec

is" Freddie asked

Your Father made it clear for me that w

disappeared, now you're sounding like he died" J

ttempted murder made by Jurazuss to the saber galaxy world, I never heard or e

ted as he slammed h

her "No mom don't cry, Its okay mom" she sighed "its alright, I now know why you wanted to keep

monster wants, like I mean there must be a reason for him to have trou

jack was not done when they heard the bell sound dow

he stairs with her hands on the railings for support. Gettin

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