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The Fire Saber Ranger

Chapter 6 The New Fire Saber Rangers 2

Word Count: 1520    |    Released on: 20/08/2022

ed together and definitely rocked the fight. James was about to

coming attack made by a tr

as he held kelvin on the shou

ck who nodded to the idea. They both brought out thei

n" spinning the disk to the saber, it triggered

nd boom the slash destroyed up to 20 troys

Jack complimented w


ntacted the others to me

de from them. "there he is" James pointed and togeth

mocked as he dodged every blast made by Freddie and James but su

of falling to the ground "Hey firestorm,

but it was too late as the remaining rangers made a front flip

t him "and you aren't getting away this time" James added

blaster to the air. With that they all did the same before yelling out together

command, the blasters combined

fore pulling the trigger button which sent out a multicolored blast, hitting firestorm directly "Nooo, this was not our plan luthe

for joy starting with Chloe and Michelle who ran towa

owing himself for a hug, they did this while

en muttered loudly "First mission accomplished and fir


call themselves the fire saber rangers but however their identity is unknown" Kim with her

the base suddenly opened and Freddie and

ed him at his shoulder lightly "and do you remember what firesto

lied before the two of them mimicked firestorm

was not what we p

d into laughter including K

her face. This time she appeared to be without glasses. Chloe ran tow

d before facing the others "that

en, James brought out his phone from his pocket "I need to tell John about th

s. you don't wanna put your love ones in trouble. Exposing who we are would be very

before Jack walked forward and turned to the oth

s crossed together "Yea like a motto" ja

a" kelvin nodded movin

after putting on a thinking face "rangers together fire sabers for

e have an idea" jack kind of felt hurt as they opposed his idea. Michelle then

Kelvin said as he looked at the others

dd or what do you think Freddie" James said t

d firestorm and his maniacs. with your help, I wouldn't have stopped the invasion from happening" he paused, staring at their faces "guys we're

ether is what makes us a team; a he

hat you do; have it in mind that you signed up for this. You mu

Chloe added with her hands

the air with his right leg to affirm his poi

n we do it" Freddie called as the

were away, i prepared lunch for us to celebrate our victory and the arrival of

of you Mrs J" Michelle c

ing, so what are we waiting for" and she walked

ther, kelvin and James still talking about th


d and turned into a monster is seen on his knees before Lord Jurazuss who is on his throne. darkvage on the other

l never happen again" Max Luther

her "Don't tell me that, your plan fai

rembling "I'm sorry my lord. I'm making a

out to luther "Shut up loser" with his eyes rolled at him. He then turned to his f

an opportunity and this time you must not fail because an era as begin and this time I'll crush anyone who comes my

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