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Daisy (Typhoon)

Chapter 3 Meeting Alice: Part 2

Word Count: 1084    |    Released on: 24/09/2022

ad alight the car after parking,

focus on the

name? Did you ask around?" A

nd when I know your name already

stared oddly at her. What was she s

exactly do you want, lady? " She spat, wi

uckled, but too

me in the twinkle of an eye...though I wondered if they really birthed me... "She mumbled her word and paused " ...then I came across this Master who

e had no idea why she's telling her about her gloomy past. She only l

f she's already expecting h

ou kidd

to come with me, th

nd how I have powers? That is if I indeed.

ises, the vessel and every information on the present, so are you coming?

e to believe peopl

'Us', you

trol her powers and teach her how to use them, but...how c

ht" She

She shook he

tupid! "Ali

: "..

ozen in time at what she just discovered. The lady...how

very emotions of her,

s...I'm actuall

ared in surprise, complete

ed herself, strictly and Daisy was s

followed, creating an aw

read minds" She fin

ed to bring to the institute, after being discovered. She could still remember how their e

ore her, she was differ

h I

ow. It's your choice to make, don't you want to know what you can do with your power

ted her shoulder gently and started walking

s it was being tussled by the coo

even after dinner was se

r dinner, is anything the matter?

onger human, human food now s

er, even though she's fifteen, she's alr

.she's your elder sist

ied with a smirk, on

from, everyone else are human, are yo

ngerous glare her way, Isabelle shut her mouth in response. As much as Isabelle wants to provoke thi

panicked and her hold loosened on her fork, it dropped with a clatt

s it all because of her? If so, why couldn't

ry, this always happen, lik

obert finally spoke and s

re you al

ing upstairs,

but Daisy wasn't going to sit there while

ne Mom. Can

can leave" She

ut it too much" Her d

ook up from her meal but Daisy co

came at the door, everyone was startled. She turned an

f who it might be. Whoever it was, stopped knocking and was now banging

n?" Isabelle ro

tood to her feet and made h

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