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Daisy (Typhoon)

Chapter 4 Abandoned: Part 1

Word Count: 1114    |    Released on: 24/09/2022

ked to see the mob outside. They wore a scowl and their expressions meant

g, what can

monster?" One

er? We have no monste

ion, was she really clueles

king about Daisy" She whispere

uses further harms to our kids. Some of our kids who attends the same

together, befor

e truth about her, she's not even your daughte

ut that dirty mouth o

his how everything will end? The poor girl jus

o, she loves you all and always help out with your chores. What changes now? Just because she found out her real id

red in disbelief, a

sement, disbelief and excitement graced her face. She gazed into the

e her anyway' She thought, a smirk dancing across her

away from her?!!" They roa

"She rushed out to

ded to show up, finall

I grew up with everyone of you by my side, the best thing that has ever happened

lence reigned for a while

for your fake emoti

the angry mob. A stone was hurled in the direction of her mom and sighting the incom

neighbors kept hurling everythin

o, quick!" Mrs

ing her daughter in, accompanied by her hus

s grip, she stood like a statue. Isabelle sat at the dinning, an

it" Mrs Robert grabbed Daisy's arm , only f

, she could feel the blood rushing to her

ughter, you took her in

as a b



trying to digest every word. She wasn't their daugh

dn't you tell me? Why do...do you kept it

tarted sobbing, as she was force

you" He said, his eyes ho

use you guys are everything to me, I'm so hurt tha

obbed in his chest. She just couldn't digest the fact that they're not he

ago and we don't know how your mom looks like, but we


and after a while of searching, Mrs Robert turned with a sad smile and stretched a card towards

rals?" She

ding? Like her? Her mind slowly drifted to the conversation she

l powers...like you, maybe she wants you to blend

n't she come back to find me?" She wa

nths, but no one came to claim you, so we

She had no experience with her but she's hoping she's still alive, she

I'm okay, but I'll lov

t on her back and she moved to hug her mom, enjoying t

smile and exited the room, takin

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