Quote Man: book one: The beginning
ell I have remind you, see yah tomorrow." Paul goes away. With plodded steps, seemingly so skeptical to take a step, shakes his leg off its shivering. Res
test idea, eyes casting all around, form one head to the other, one tree to the next, one car to the one that comes after, and many more. Cracked all over, shivers form fear, lost and desperately in need of a home. With his tired feet, he gets to halt, stars long, get jolted and with sharpness look back, surely remembering som
people. I watch the intimidated boy and those people, I'm not giving the permission to help anyway, I can only wait till I'm commanded otherwise. "It is... I own the bag... I left it... and come back... to... to... pick it." He really does well stammering, does well shaking, does well to fear what's next to come, it will be too embarrassing if he wets his pants at this conjuncture. "Too bad for you kid, we saw no one coming in, not you neither, you must have been hiding with the bag right? Something's inside? We just want a look and you will be free." Another one from them. "The truth! It's the... I'm honest! Books are the only thing inside..." He is off his calmness even more, it's unfortunate, at this point he will never realize he should just display the content inside, he has become too carried away, I wonder what's coming next. "Being a liar is a bad thing for you, you should tell your parents when you get home, that it's all because you have always been mischievous, that you pay the price today. You read Bible? Say, what does it teach kids to be? You're no Christian? Too bad for you again then, what are you planning to do in life?