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Hearts, Minds and Souls.

Chapter 5 When you think everything's nice

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 26/08/2022

ts, semolina and tomato puree as she passed by. She didn't have a particular place she was going to. She stopped by a billboard and read what was written on it in flashy colours. There

red how she used to steal money from her brother's pockets whenever he was dead drunk. Harry would simply think that he'd probably spent it or misplaced it. Becka laughed to herself and walked on.


?" Rosie asked. "Alright." Becka agreed, so they went down the road to Etta's Restaurant. At the restaurant, they ordered meringues. Rosie smiled. " It's been so long since I've seen you at school, I thought you'd returned to your parents." Becka flashed a fake smile. What would I tell her?, she thought. She couldn't tell her that she had dropped out of school. At the same time,

ile. She nibbled on some meringue. "Felicia is right. I have had a baby. To be sincere, I'm feeling very bad about my mistake. I wish I never got pregnant..." Becka said and burst into another set of tears. "Oh, Becka. I can see your pain through your eyes. Everything would be fine." Rosie put in. Becka let out the tears completely before she stopped crying. "So, when are you guys graduating?" Becka inquired. "Promenade concert is a few weeks away, and I think we're graduating...I don't really know. I'll call Helena to confirm the date. You k

in the same street, remember? Let's go together. I'm going home also." Rosie held Becka's hand. They walked down the road together- past the Tea House, Bonnie Fashion, Mandel Market. "Do you still remember Mrs Cooper?" Rosie asked. Becka nodded her head,"Yeah". "I heard that she went for a surgery." Rosie said. "For what?" Becka inquired. "A surgery

ng." she replied. Rosie smiled. "Bye." she waved. Becka waved and went up the steps. The door was open, so she used her heavy boots to push it open. Rita was bottle feeding Sandra when she entered. Becka didn't say a word, she went

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