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Chapter 4 His doom

Word Count: 3607    |    Released on: 26/08/2022

u,the witches shall rise against,you shall fight a lost battle against her for she will overpower you and take your throne,she will feed your bones to the dog"forgive me my king.. th

ore   "Luca....I called going speechless again,I don't just know how to start a conversation,I have never had someone sitting this close to me except for my foster mother.......this made my heart warmed up in comfort, maybe I'm not so bad after all,no...I'm bad,I'm evil ....I thought convincing myself   "So how I've you been Liza,the last time we met thought I was going to see you again after then but you just disappeared,now we happen to meet in a coffee shop thanks to my annoying cousin for dragging me down to this place"he explain .   .......I don't know what to say,not that I don't,I'm not just used to friends,it weird that someone finds me attractive enough to be my friend.   Earth to Liza"Luca tapped me chuckling, which made his dimples visible,so so breathtaking,I wish I was a Normal child maybe we could have been more than friends....I thought.   "I'm fine Luca,how is the gym?"I said trying to keep the conversation going, atleast I need something to take my mind off "Hell and Lucifer"... Even if this is my first time of striking up a conversation with someone...it felt the best.....   Today looks like the best day of my life,luca made me smile alot,he makes me forget I'm the devil's daughter for a while,I feel like a normal teenager hanging out with a friend,he told me alot about his childhood   How his friends call him "big diddle" when they were little cos he was fat ....he laughed about it ,but I couldn't I forgot how to laugh I want to give it a trial but I don't want to make fun of myself, Making me remember my lonely childhood,no good memories,no friends,I have toys but I do get tired of them,I wanted friends,I wish I was a normal kid whenever I see other kids hanging out together in the neighborhood playing , anytime I try to go play with them they send me away calling me all sorts of name......I remember those vividly like it's jus yesterday...   "Liza you spacing out too much,well like I said I came here with my cousin over there,I said point to a far rear to a familiar lady "Chloe"?? I asked Luca ,Chloe was busy flirting with a blonde guy close to her sit ,so she isn't paying attention to us...   "Yes Chloe,you know her??"   "Yeah,same school" I answered shortly...I gotta go now o said standing up to take my leave or I might do the u expected by strangling Luca cousin...   "Wait! Can we hangout Tomorrow?...Luca asked making me stop right at my track   "Tomorrow Making three days more to go to be eighteen years,I have to go to the witches coven to seek help ,but still i don't want to turn Luca down...he's made me smile alot today......   Fuck! I don't know what to do..... We could meet here tomorrow exactly 12pm...then hangout together since you don't seem to have a phone...."Luca said with pleading eyes ,that eyes pleading not to be turned down....   Should I try go to the witches coven , remember Lucifer is out for me...or should I hangout with Luca and have some fun before I give my life up for hell? I thought asking no one   I need help to fight against my father Lucifer,no end to this misery......I walked out of the shop without looking back hopped into the car with my body guards trailing behind me......I smiled remembering my first encounter with Luca ...he is a nice guy but do I deserve something nice,won't he try to stop being friends with me if he learns I am the devil's daughter...that will end up breaking me more....I sighed   I would rather quit this friendship after tomorrow to save myself from hurting him. ......   We drove Into the compound ......I step out of the car still deep in thoughts, I have to just enjoy tomorrow who knows what the future holds? That is if I even have a future.....my future is hell......ruling hell, becoming the king over millions of demons , having Ultimate power over the witches.   Pulling off my cloths,I walk into the bathroom to shower,I was rinsing my body when I notice a shawdo hovering the bathroom....I can smell evil and darkness here, i keep watching paying no attention to the Shadow....what else should I be scared about, death?   I switched off the shower ,took my towel and walk out the bathroom,"just show your face,"I said more calmly than ever,I shouldn't be scared of darkness because I'm from darkness itself,I'm evil and I know that   "Your highness" the Shadow appears to me in form of a dark angel,she was beautiful but smell evil   "How did you find me? And who sent you to me? Wait let me guess "Lucifer???   "No no your highness,I wasn't sent by Lucifer,I'm your dark angel and  "I'm your right hand guard".the dark angel replied, confusing me the more,   Then how come you are just finding me now,if you are to be my guard,why are you just coming to see me now..I said icily turning to the closet to pick a night dress,   "Every royal born,are always given a guard,I swore my loyalty to your mother not Lucifer,the more reason I can find you this easily is because your mother made me swore loyalty to you before your birth, I'm sorry I couldn't save your mother because I don't have enough power to fight off Lucifer's dark angel,we both thought you were killed by the darkest angel , Lucifer right hand man during birth, recently the hell is getting icier, Lucifer is fuming with anger,your loneliness is being feel in hell, your power are escalating ,your inner darkness keeps calling me ,then I know my master was alive.   I was able to find you easily because I already swore my loyalty to you,to fight for you till my last breath."she concluded kneeling with her head bowed   "That's amazing,I said sitting on the edge of my bed,"rise"   "Tell me about the witches coven and how I can find them to seek refuge,a warning was given to me in my dream that my father is coming down to earth to destroy me,and in just three days to come I'll be eighteen years of age"I said   "My Lord,I don't know much about the witches coven,but I remember they were never in support of your mother marriage Lucifer, they swore Never to bow to Lucifer,sorry to say this but they believe your mother betrayed them by loving your father,they sent her out of the clan,restrict her powers.   That's the little I know, recently they came to save your mother for she is still of their own coven, witches fight in folds but they still fear Lucifer for his brutality,his ability to burn a heart to ashes living the body lifeless and the soul suffering in burning flames,that is more reason they couldn't fight against him after Lucifer threatened them, to my knowledge if you are to seek refuge apart from the prophecy you are Lucifer's flesh and blood the


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