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That darkest night

Chapter 3 Blank!

Word Count: 2229    |    Released on: 02/09/2022

vision. She needed to get her calm, out of all the worry jam-packed in her mind. She wanted to build up her confidence to face life once again. She was bei

there was nowhere like that. She felt a wave of anxiety move through her. She was very anxious, and she knew the reason why. That was because she couldn't see any vision of her life. Her future. Every morning was a horror, because she was always feeling blank. She couldn't ever know what would come next. Better put, she was taking life as it came beca

he said, trying

elle. How ar

fine, Bren

elle, you don't

, sis. Th

Michelle frowned. Her children were the la

e simply said, tak

e you're hearin

ed her was two weeks ago. S

ay, and she's not picking...today is Sa

ne. Maybe she

er again. I'm really

e's just adapting to her new famil

t an award at school on Thursday." Brenda said. Miche

him I said congratu

g me proud and Henry would be

interrupted and before her sister c

just different?" She was envying her sister - fine house, good job, dream husband and kids. Michelle felt that she had none o

king about her life. She

us week, she had gone in search of a better job, all in the bid to satisfy her children. She had found Gazelle Beauty, another modeling house. Their pay was there times more than Queeny Modeling house, she really lik

t she had waved it off. All because of her kids. She was sure that if she remarried, her children would frustrate the man out of the house. She didn't want a second record of a man leaving her alone. She had to steer clear of the men winking at her because her children wouldn't like another person sharing attention with them. That one, was a path she couldn't

er she was the mother to Mel, Andrew and Jason, because she didn't care a bit about her. Normal kids had affection for their mother, and that meant that her own children were abnormal. Even her own life was abnormal. She couldn't share what she was passing through with anyone; they wouldn't understand at all. They would only judge, they wou

ready to say anything. "What is it, Jason? What is it again?" she glanced at him. "There's no...you didn't prepare lunch, Mom." Jason said, walking to where Michelle was seated. Michelle glared at him and folded her arms. There was no food at home, and that was one of the thi

no food in the house." Michelle replied and she looked at him with angry and frustrated eyes. "You don't have money? That's a lie." Jason said sarcastically. Michelle felt like sinking into the ground. Jason was always having the words to attack her. "Well, I don't care if you don't believe me or not. I think there's a bottle of dairy milk in the fridge, and there's still about two

s the horrible thing he had to say. "Oh, Jason! If you cannot manage it, then leave me alone." Michelle screamed at the top of her lungs. She didn't have to explain in details why food wasn't in the house. She was thinking of how to handle things. Jason gave her an irritated look. "You're meant to provide, Mom. Not to shy away from responsibilities." he said, snapping his fingers. "You can say whatever you like. I don't care, that's it!" Michelle did

rumbling since afternoon- something she did not like. She had to take money meant for other things because she would not be collectin

her son to the kitchen, ready to use the knife on him. What had she been thinking? For that little moment, she had completely gone out of her mind. She would have stabbed her own son. She would have done the unspeakable. She was confused, and didn't even know what to do, she di

d, frowning. " Oh I thought... I thought you had gone to bed". Melinda looked shocked. "Alright, so if I was already asleep, you would have gone out this night?" Michelle wanted to know. Melinda scratched her head, like she did when anything caught her off guard. "Mmm... I wanted to ask you first". She managed to say, looking at her mother. "Okay Mel. I'm here, ask me". Michelle answered as she folded her arms. She wanted to hear what her daughter had to say about that. "I was about to see a friend next door, mom". Melinda said. Michelle smile

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