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A night with the Alpha king

Chapter 2 Betrayal

Word Count: 1245    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

n and a maid who I d

I don't like the rules in the castle.i don't like the life of a princess,I pr

s Margaretta seeks your pres

from my other sisters,she prefers staying alone and keeping

aretta's room.she was sitting on a c


to help me out with s

ght that be"

u to help me out with my assignment

posed to doing your assignment,it'

am terrible in drawing,please help me ou

replied and s

out"she said to me handing me over anoth

g then"I announc

didn't want to give it to my maid to give her when she comes back. It might be importan

eading to pass time,I dozed


sun cast long shadows on the ground,the slanting rays of the setting sun gave a w

and the door creaked

our hi

alone, how many times will I keep repeatin

an Nika"she replied smiling,I

in the mirror.some strands of my hair were already falling out.after dressing up for the cerem

all day about the possibilities of holding the ceremony or n

ying nothing about

omething will come up,the cerem

ow what's going on"I said to her an

Mara r

mething to give Amelia.i went back and took it from where I had kep

r maids were standing outs


didn't know what to say but the head maid by na

ne because she is close to Amelia.she was very rude but I

e first princess of Cavern Kingdom, doe

her"I remaine

is my princess's order, ''she sa

ce. Who does she think she is?I have no

o see anyone,I will just give her what Mar

ive it to her,for now,she doesn't want to see anyone and it's none o

ect"Mara said charging forward towards her but I stopped Ma

front of her,I stared into her ey

nd I slapped hard on her cheeks ma

Does she want to fight me?I know I'm not a vampi

o her,I could see her clenching her fists before

ut you shouldn't forget that I am a princess too,

ood?"I asked

ighness,"she repli

"I ordered and she opened

e,"I said to

,I might not be a vampire but no o

from people in my kingdom but that is the r

f being the first princess.she was not in the living room area,

worried immediately,I knew she was harsh to me but it

might be sick and dying inside a

sponded,I decided to go in immediat

holden.the first princess who Everyone looked up to

over themselves as soon as

l my heart racing when I saw who it was,my palm was sweating.i felt like my world was

l"I mutt

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