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A night with the Alpha king

Chapter 4 Don't pity me

Word Count: 789    |    Released on: 01/09/2022


ing that has happened to her starting from the day she

nts,her own blood tell her to spen

er parents at least fight for her?They didn't even give

re was no way she was going to l

eyes as she thou



Lawrence and his queen Eli

do about her, what are we going to do now si

make her to end up hating us,as you said,she is very stubborn,we have to plan thi

d care about her. It's really essential for our plan to work. We have to make her

k she can help in our plan to take over Northcrest Kingdom,she has no

a is the strongest of our daught

bilities,how do you think

ok down on her and see her as weak and useless,

se,is there anything else you are not telling me

do what I told you to do"Lawre

orried about her, she couldn't help but

he said, knocki

he heard N

.having served the princess for years now,she knew her well enough and just on

ou can always talk to me if you need

e"Nika said as she stared at her reflection

I know when you are happy,I k

e not been yourself since you left

spend a night with the alpha king of Northcrest Kingdo

daughter to the alpha king of Northcrest Kingdom who was known for his ruthle

e moved towards her to hug

never felt that I belonged here,today proved it, maybe am not their real daughter because I don't

ant to look weak by crying.she needs

t will you do now

us request,I have to do something even if i

ou are planning my princess and I

existence of Mara in her life but she had no plans of

have something to d

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