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Chapter 3 School

Word Count: 1084    |    Released on: 01/09/2022

er wallpaper, a Bieber bear that was hung in the locker, I was about to close my locker when I heard a voice which almost scared m

d he was like you look hot Tori, very hot" I mimicked him Liv started laughing as she tapped her table "Are you serious, he is a big asshole" "You can keep saying that, and worse than that is he thought he was complimenting me like seriously as if I didn't look at my reflection in the mirror before coming to school" "Okay, I gotta say this, I soo love your self-love and confidence" "Yeah thanks" "You looked hot Tori, very hot" she as mimicking Edward "Stop, you're making me uncomfortable," I said as I began laughing. "Anyways forget about him, so tell me what the plan for summer" "I have no plans yet, but I am organizing a cocktail party for the whole class," she said "Can't come" I said "Let me guess your parents are gonna have a party" "You guessed that right and the worst part is they are gonna make me join their company after high school," I said "No way" "They are announcing it today" I said "Do you wanna join the company?" she asked curiously "Of course not, I didn't even know about it till today" "But what if you don't attend the party, no you, no announcement " she said "Did you forget what happened last time when I did that besides I don't wanna spoil my mood" "I feel very sorry for you baby girl. What about college are you gonna attend college" "I have no idea, my parents are killing me right now and college, well I'm still confused about it" I whispered "I am finally done with it babe" Lyon said interrupting our conversation as he gave Liv a sheet of paper. "Aww you drew a picture of my hair," she said sweetly "Take a look Vickkie" she said handing over the drawing to me "Well done Lyon it is lovely" "Of course it is" he said while tapping his shoulder "What were you guys talking about," he asked "It's girl

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