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Chapter 4 Party

Word Count: 2196    |    Released on: 01/09/2022

he moment but when I remembered the party I realized that my parents sent the driver to pick me early so I don't act like the way I did last time. The momen

. I tried different clothes before finally getting the perfect clothes that are best for the party. "And I'm done for today" Jasmine said "Now can I look at myself" I said "Wait" she said before adjusting my necklace "Perfect, now you can" she said When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't recognize myself, my hair was curled, my eyebrows looked perfect, my eyelashes were fixed nicely, and my lipstick was shiny red. I wore a gold and black off-the-shoulder dress that stopped at my knee, with glass heels, a diamond necklace, and earrings that match my bracelet. "Not bad Jasmine" I said "Not bad, seriously" "Best work" I said "Well I'm a professional after all" she said as she began packing her things "Aren't you staying for the party" "I don't think your parents want me to stay" she said I was about to talk when my parents came into the room. "Lovely" mom said immediately as she entered the room "If you are done, can we go the party has already started" dad said "Thank you for the makeover" I said while she was exiting the room "Shall we?" dad said "Yes but before that, I know you aren't happy about the contract signing but don't worry about it because I have a surprise for you after the party" mom said. "I have a bigger surprise for you" my inner voice said "But I can't tell you about it now, till everything goes well today" she continued "Okay" I said I wasn't interested in what mom's surprise is about as I already know she was just saying it as a bribe so I don't ruin her party. As we walked down the stairs, all lights went off, and a bright directional light was shed on us making us the center of attention. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the best couple in town Mr. and Mrs. Morello, and their beautiful daughter Victoria Morello. The MC said as we gently walked down the stairs. The first people we approached are some men in a black tuxedo. "You have a beautiful house, Mr. Morello" He said "Thank you, Mr. Loan, it's an honor to have you attend this party" dad said "Oh come on it's no big deal" he said "This is my wife Maggie the love of my life" dad said Immediately they exchanged greetings with mom, and dad spoke "And this is my daughter, my business support Victoria" "Really, I must say I'm impressed" one of the men said "Seriously my kid hardly cares about my job" the other man said "Well today is a big day for Victoria because she's joining the family business" Mom said "It has been a dream of hers," dad said "He is a good liar," my inner voice said. They congratulated me before I excused myself not wanting to continue the conversation. The party was boring just like every other party. Everyone was either talking about business and comparing each other's pieces of jewelry I stood by the balcony alone thinking about life when I heard a voice from behind "Hi" he said holding a glass of wine "Hey" I replied in a weird tune "I am Noah," he said coming closer to me "Victoria," I said with a smile on my face Noah is good-looking, he is dark in complexion, his eyes were brown, he was a little bit muscular, with pink lips, a pointed nose and he is tall. "Great party" he said "Thanks" "You must be enjoying it," he said "Yeah of course" I said trying not wanting to make eye contact "Doesn't mean like it, what do mean" I said "All am trying to say is, if you're enjoying it then why are you here standing alone" "Okay you got me, this party sucks" I said "Yeah I can tell with the look on your face" I let out a short laugh before speaking "Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks this party sucks" "No kidding, seriously why am I here" he said jokingly I was about to talk when mom came

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