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Mated To The King Of Darkness

Chapter 4 When Sparks Shouldn't Fly

Word Count: 1483    |    Released on: 07/09/2022

r Alpha say, frustrated. It looked like

y done that an

was something about his voice that made her feel strange, somet

aid in defeat and the Luna looked at him sharpl

started point blank and sile

he was willing to sacrifice the lives of 480 werewolves, then he would have t

, he might have been wrong about Gery after all. Maybe he did deserved to be the Alpha because her

ion of his agreement, once he signs that deal he would be no

so that he could understand he was not alone. Zezi

s upon agreements about different

quick note of everyone who sat at the table, their gazes were empty and they all looked pale. When she got to the King, she tried hard to keep her head down. She put the scroll forw

t resist. It was like as if she could suddenly see all the different emoti

ed a shade darker and his jaw tightened. Then he blinked and just like that, it was all go

suming back to her side of the table. No one

d something to her but she couldn't hear. She looked up at where the King

George lean in and whisper something to her ears, his lips brushing it lightly. He looked up at her then, col

n know if it sounded right then dashed out of the hall. S

was no way she could ever have a mate and even if by some chance the moo

s, they were enemies, enemies that bo


e. Tears rushed down her eyes, she didn't know what to do. With shaky

ering what she had said the night she wanted to leave but she pushed

n't have known what to do if they were still here, she wouldn't have

? There must have been some mistake. Mates don't happen between the two kinds. What was the meaning of this?

d that she would be breaking her promise but she knew that if she stayed, she would be risking too much. He must know that they were mates too and she wasn

her own pocket. Without any more hesitation she dashed into the garage, flung her bag into the backseat of the car and in no time, her hands were

going to leave? Her daughter, her

ly leave every

she do


looked up at the werewolves. Their tensed faces etched into his memory, the

is your

sed. Alpha Gery was the first to

the King's head, his eyes seemed

movement echoed across the silent room. He was fighting with a force

armiliar yet so strange about it and he didn't like it one bit. This King c

it was obvious that he felt u

that, it is pack issues and

te and I think she just fled." He look

g, George bolted out through the door. He had suspected that some

es could never be mates. Besides, Zezi was a lone wolf. She wasn't destined t

just im

, he ran into the hou

's King is saying some

nd his eyes slowly became glassy. If Zezi had indeed fled t

o see the spot where Zezi's car us

as t


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