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Mated To The King Of Darkness

Chapter 7 The King's Move

Word Count: 1572    |    Released on: 07/09/2022


unt Alice is do

choice. I h

in return. It got to a point that she was

uld have


ue mates but we love

is coming from? This thing about not being true mates? We

ng in front of her bef

se, if you just say it isn't, then I will discard all the thoughts I have been coming

owed how hard it was for him to keep up with all of these. He pushed his hair back and

true, G

when we were on the run and we met this witch while we were looking

ss she felt was sta

ue. I don't know how it

go to him, but she couldn't. Th

und again while mumbl

at it is not true. Your words were my last hope. Y

ould do something bad to himself but he kept mumbli


like he was hearing her call him for th

ing. If it did, I won'

his lips parted and it was like a

ctly at her. He watched her for a while, a tear ran down his face. She reached up to him,

kiss that filled with a sort of underlying promise.

o that she was pressed against him. He spoke against his marked etch

ou, Zezi. I don't ever

against her mark on his neck l

you w

ment to last for them, he kn

ve to

bout that. Where? There

d we can lea

i's but it faded away


o." He pulled away from h

e Aunt Alice

, Aunt Alice was dealing with the grief of losing her daughter. It was so painful for her beca

hey were family. Aunt Alice loved Zezi so much th

th Mira to another pack in our Alpha's territory, so that


to leave. The thing is that she is not going to another pa

would connect all the dots together but he cou

my love! Aunt Alice, Mira, yo

appiness rushing fast through her veins. But something flashe

is hand was brushing lightly against hers.

er mind and her heart raced. Those

felt that he was someone who wouldn't easi

r out of her daze and she

aiting for us. All we h

een talking? She

r bags, strapped it to his

her. She looked up at him to see that his eyes had been rolled back. He stood like that

that." He said then

id he start using t

ince yes

George tried to maneuver t

did he

us and they believe it was you." A

een you. Well I said no b

easing and a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. It had


h man." She drawled an

you, Zezi. Gladly, truly a


omorrow all these will be be

one side, while Zezi stared blankly into it. She still couldn't help feeling uneasy and no matter what she

rk, dangerous and comp

xt to her and she jumped in her own

o go to sleep." George a

you think

r heart clenched with dis


hough her thoughts had been channeled towards other intentions,

nt. Just worried

and reassurin

over, my love. I

hope it did. She ho

steps stilled all of a sudden. She hadn't not

voice rang in

knocked out col

out, didn't yo

you are

upt, blunt and so

know that I am

but it is no longer the p

ics won't

e rang in his mind again and he could have

king has yo

ad in him, at that moment, i

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