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The chosen green eyes omega

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1683    |    Released on: 07/09/2022

aided his escape still hanging from the window “thank God" he says relived. He takes hold of the sheets and makes quick work of scaling the building to his bedroom window. He reach

self, make decisions on my own?!” he blurts out. “When you’re done with your tantrum, get dressed and don’t be late. Failure to show up will cause a lot of trouble and not just for you alone, I know of your little love interest in the woods”. Leofric father warns. A cold feeling washes over Leofric with this revelation, “I don’t... that’s not", “that’s not what?” his starts saying before he’s interrupted by his father “you’re not as sneaky as you think you are, I have more pressing matters to attend to so I’m letting it go. Just don’t bring any bastard child to me. Now for the last time go get Dressed!” his father says slamming the table. Leofric storms to his room and slams the door. He starts pacing “how did he find out? I can’t let anything happen to Freya” he says still pacing “Aaggghhh!” he shouts, punching the wall beside the door making his hand throb with pain. “Ouch, Ouch bad idea" he says regretting his actions. Leofric gets ready and meets his father downstairs where they proceed to enter the carriage that takes them to where he will meet his betrothed. They sit in total silence before they reach their destination. In the castle, introductions have been made and names have been exchanged. The girl intended for Leofric is light skinned with black straight hair. “Freya’s hair is prettier”, he thinks to himself. “So how about you two get to know each other” her father suggests happily. “Yes, what a brilliant idea” his father adds. “okay father" she replies and leads Leofric into her garden. ...“So I told her she looked trashy because who honestly wears that outside, I guess it’s because they can’t afford the finer wears like me but that’s not my business” says the girl droning on and on about how perfect she was and how no girl could afford what she wears. “Can she just shut up?" Leofric thinks tired. “I have lots of shoes too... where are you going?” she continues stopping to question Leofric as he gets up. “This is a mistake, we’re never going to be together and if I spend another minute listening to your squeaky voice, I’ll snap" Leofric tells her. You can’t talk to me like that" she says. “Just did" he replies Walking away “Ughh, what a jerk" she says to his back. In the carriage on the way back to their own castle, Leofric’s father questions him. “I trust you left a good impression of yourself for her" “yes father" Leofric grits out remembering his father’s warning earlier. “Good” his father replies pleased. After arriving at the palace, Leofric makes his way to his room then climbs out the window to go see Freya in their meeting spot. Getting there he spots her sitting on the fallen tree branch with Max in her lap. Catching Leofric’s scent in his nose, Max lifts his head from Freya’s skirt and on seeing him, happily bounds over to greet him. “hi boy” Leofric says scratching Max behind his ear. ‘woof’ Max barks back at him. “Thought you finally got tired and ditched me" Fr

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