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VERMIA-Legend Of An Unknown World

Chapter 7 Papacito

Word Count: 1616    |    Released on: 08/09/2022

as like a bear cub that was abandoned by his family. Her ears could not believe all she was hearing. Her ears became itchy; literally itchy, so she had to put a finger i

that she wouldn't appear rude,

t with his use of words, the bigger his tummy becane. He continued raising his voice, throwing down every book and paper he managed to g


though she had no idea w

asked with his hands resting on his wai

know". She replied

sn't the first time this

was always getting into trouble with people and sometimes, she h

ed to be pretty close. Is she your aunt? Neighbor?..

h mental disorders." Trina, a tall chubby server blurted out curtly and everyone giggled. She was rude yeah, e

s going on here.. wow .. " he began to stutter. "..you may all l

* *

since she grew up to know her, her mother had had to treat a number of skin disorders and now she was battling with chronic urticaria. It had stayed longer on her skin for over four years now, disfiguring her pale skin. It made her lose her job and denied her the opportunity to a good-paying one. No one wanted to employ someone with a red skin filled with hives for the fear that these things were contagious. Then her mum would have to do a lot of enlightenment that they weren't. This enlightenment still never secured her a job.

she would have enough money to send her brother to college. If not her, someone in the family had to be a graduate and she had succeeded. If not to

her bicycle. She placed her hands

ark. it wouldn't be sane to take that road but, the thought of her worried mum bothered her. It was creepy, she knew, but it would take

too scared to look up. She knew she had made a wrong decision. She bit her lower lip, looked up and saw some familiar faces. She h

weird looking men she saw earlier that morning. B

e responded, smiling. It was at that point s

her bag was a few steps away from her. One of them walked towards the bag and picked it up. He rummaged through her bag, th

eeded in constraining the mind of the woman in the restaurant earlier, even if it was just luck, it might work this time too. All she needed was a way to ga

60 bucks..." He sounded displeas

ickered. ".. were you expecting to find some thousands

er gaze on him. This should work, she thought. It had wor

asked staring in return as

"We would have let you go back home safely, but you hit my frie

she decide to take that route? One of them wal

f she pretended to be knocked out, would they leave her alone? She decided to give it a try but it didn't seem to yield much success. She heard their footsteps approaching, what was going to happen to her now? She still laid on the floor with her eyes closed. Then, abruptly, she heard loud thuds and cries. Before she could understand what was happening, everywhere had become dead silent. She opened her left eye first, tightly shutting the right.

claimed, covering

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