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Alpha's reject

Chapter 3 C3-Breakup

Word Count: 2165    |    Released on: 09/09/2022

it revealed to him the darkness he had installed in her soul, the tears that had run down her cheek daily because of him. Jeremy could no longer take it. He reached out to her, held her s

y replied. He went on to explain "she was bitten up by a set of no good miscreants at school though those responsible haven't yet been found more or less persecuted". Once more he bent. Lenas mum offered him in, in a hurry she was eager to see how well her daughter was fairing. Jeremy walked into the house. He was shown her bedroom where he laid her on her bed. He stared at her for a minute or two before turning around to meet the eyes of her worried mother. She stared at Jeremy with fear and curiosity in her eyes but she didn't speak a word neither did Jeremy. He made a gesture and left the house. He met Mason outside waiting for him. ^^^ Early the next morning Lena was up and she struggled out of bed trying as much as possible not to make a sound but her cuts bit her. In the process she stunged her foot she was already in pain and this was an additional problem, Lena held her bedsheets tears ran down her cheek, her lips twisted. She sat for a while then she got up to her feet despite the pain. "Ahh!!!" Jeremy grunted when he felt an excruciating pain on his left foot. He tried to wiggle it but it got worse. He stood up but couldn't walk on it then all of a sudden it was gone as quick as it came. Jeremy knew something wasn't right if not with him then with his mate. He got off his bed in a hurry he rushed out of the house.faced the forest leading to Lena's house and ran towards it, he had a twenty seconds head start before he transformed into a werewolf with pure silver fur, he was 2 times bigger than a regular dog and a wolf combined, his fangs were sharp so as his claws and his dark eyes. Lena cried in agony. She didn't make a sound, the only thing she wanted was not to wake her mother or get her more worried than she already was. Lena struggled to her feet she walked slowly but yet speedy her arms in front of her to grab the window frame and just then she fell. Lenas eyes tightened as she embraced the ground but it never happened as she was caught by Jeremy. "You know you could have hurt yourself!!''Jeremy said with a smirk. "Jeremy?!!" "Can I atleast get a thank you!!" Jeremy asked with Lena still in his arms. "Emm thank you!. How did you ?!,emm" Lena stammered. "It's my duty as your mate," Jeremy told her. Lena still didn't understand what this 'Mate' of a thing meant but that was the list of her worries. All she wanted right now was to see the sunrise like she did every day except for the last two days but she couldn't tell Jeremy or move. Jeremy moved her closer to the window right in time for her to see the Sunrise. She looked down to see Mason seated at her front yard staring at the sky. Lena leaned on Jeremy who felt a chill as her skin collided with his. "Are you strong enough to attend school today?!" Jeremy asked. "Yes I am," Lena answered. She pulled herself from him and walked over to her bed and sat down she touched her feet for a while then she got up, went into her closet, pulled out an outfit and kept it on her bed she asked Jeremy to excuse her which he did without altering a word he simply left the room with his hands folded behind his back and his head held up. Lena had a thirty minute bath, she got out of the bathroom after drying her body but her hair dripped water as she walked out. She wore a baggy brown hoodie and a jean trouser. Lena hardly wore makeup but today her face was a mess and it required it. She applied makeup,wore her shoes. She was about grabbing her bag to leave when she looked at the mirror and saw a huge mess. Her long wavy brown hair was like a jungle. "This is gonna hurt", Lena inhaled. She picked up her Com

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