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Love Hot

Chapter 3 C3

Word Count: 1919    |    Released on: 10/09/2022

?!" I asked finally, locking onto

," he replied w

k it way

om what I could tell,

with my husban

you how sexy your ass is. You should be careful

njoy, you sicko," I scolded him

re?" he cha

for having to sit with my butt pushed in

nd you really think he'd be grossed out from having it in his face? You can try to lie to yourself but

happen!" I a

ce and took a long sniff before once again placing it in his mouth, this time sucking it thoroughly. "Sweet, delicious p

in salute of me. All from the smell and taste of my pussy. It had been a long time since a man had responded to me in such a visceral way, especially one so fit and good looking. At 39, Akai was still

in my voice as I stared at it, and licked the corner of my mouth to stop a

in my direction, closing the gap between us. His dick was pointed right at my crotch. A

rock-hard shaft right in front of me. Finally, I found my strength and turned my gaze

e years ago," he said in a conciliatory tone, "but you a

mitted, letting my guard

umiliated it wasn't because of what I

ou talking

ked you, thought you were damn cute and funny. Plus you were smart. I especially respected the fact that you never thought you were better than the off-campus guys from the 'hood who worked in the dish room. That's how I knew you were cool. Your sexy phat ass was just

d I liked him? I remembered thinking he was funny, and attractive in his own quirky way. I guess I looked up to him, but all of us who worked in the cafeteria did. Then I remembered only signing up for the

rwhelmed trying to discern who was worth my time. There were predatory upperclassmen who tried to hit on all the naïve freshmen girls, trying to make an easy score. I didn't wan

ing to do with you." I tried to be as convincing as possible in that assertion. Akai studied my face intently, looking for any bit of nervou

released somewhere deep within me. "But I'm not sorry in the way you think," he continued. "I'm sorry for not having a better way to flirt with you back then, and I'm s

story in a new light. After he dried his hands he turned to face me

m out, concealing my presence in there with him behind the door. I shut the door and locked it behind him, then went to pee myself. When I pulled down my pa

with conflicting emotions. I ran my fingers across my vulva and found that my arousal had seeped all over. I couldn't resist bringing my coated fingers up to my face and smelling the heady pheromonal cocktail

helping get everything ready. The boys would be back soon and as her best friend, I was her right hand. I decided I would just have to wait for release. One thing was for sure, though: as soon

ce he and Drew returned from their Giant's game. I did my best to make small talk with everyone as we put the last decorative touches

they returned. She used generous amounts of Patrón and Cointreau then topped them off with a splash of Amaretto and served them on the rocks with salt. Pure perfection. Since Mike was turning 40 she'd

hrough the crowd needing to pass me on his way to the refrigerator. As he did I felt a hand discretely slide across my ass and give it a squeeze. I nearly jumped out of my skin and almos

m. When he was on his way back from the fridge, he paused right next to me to talk to Chris. We stood shoulder to shoulder for a second until the natural shifting of the cro

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