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Love Hot

Chapter 4 C4

Word Count: 1883    |    Released on: 10/09/2022

k a firm grip of my ass cheek, discretely hidden from anyone's view. I didn't want to slap his hand away and make a scene for fear that a guilty look of enjo

immediate action as his green light and for the second

my shame, my body found the naughty dangerous nature of the act extremely arousing. If I didn't get away

g her hand. I pulled her out of the kitchen without waiting f

all the way in the house before we jumped out and yelled 'SURPRISE!', so we were going to turn all the lights out and hide again. We didn't all need to be completely tucked away, just out of the

more and suspected I wanted to give it to him. I had but a split second to decide as I saw Chris begin to make his way for the

. The last thing I wanted was another audience. Chris took the hint and hid somewhere else. I quickly pulled the clo

k to let Akai get me all worked up as long as my resolve was strong that the end result would only be me going home to fuck my husband with a wetter pussy. That way, everyone would win. Akai would get to play with what he desired,

him, nails slightly digging i

e replie

Don't break m

places. Akai immediately sunk to his knees and scooted behind me. We had about five minutes. I leaned over a bit and arched my ba

ny sliver of light so he used his lips to see. Thick plush lips rained soft kisses along my exposed flesh, raising my skin in a sea of little bumps of nervous excitement.

thfully say was one sided. It was growing dangerously out of hand. Soft kisses became mischievous licks, laving my flesh in tender affection. Th

d on the small of my back arching it further. In the next instant his nose and lips were nuzzling into the wet gusset of my thong, inhaling deeply.

of both my little holes. Guilt and desire waged a war to the death inside my

tle added confirmation. I pushed back a little further and heard Akai grunt as his tongue came out and give a long firm

hing... craving more. I was acutely aware that there was only a thin sliver of fabric separating us from adultery, a slippery Clintonian technicality if there ever was one.

ting my leaking sex. Looking back, if I could pinpoint an instance where we should have stopped and gone no further,

anties up along the thong to the waistband. I could feel his tongue making contact with my warm musky flesh on either s

lt the thin wisps of material that were protecting m

ltaneously lifting my right ankle to step o

tensed up in anticipation. He held me in agonizing suspense as he pried me open and took a minute to just breathe me in. I could feel my nectar oozing down the inside of my thigh and I knew he was filling his lungs with my pungency. I

rutting against him, rushing toward my orgasm knowing that we had little time. His tongue was wonderfully dexterous, sliding deeply inside my gooey hole before searching out my clitoris and swirling over it. He was gr

udgment I desperately wanted to cum all over his face. A couple of fingers thrust inside of me would have done the trick, and I c

lt a gush of fresh nectar leak from my molten center and Akai's mouth was right there, sucking and licking up every drop. Then he did something that shocked the holy shit out of me. Holding me spread open

mere five feet from where I was hidden in that closet, while another man was trying to tongue-fuck my ass. I felt so dirty,

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