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The Villainess is Back to Life

Chapter 5 004. The True Evil, Part IV

Word Count: 1089    |    Released on: 17/09/2022

very life my hands ended... but I can't help it. So, I'm asking for a s

chance. I'm begging you, Mikla! Or whoeve

became so familiar with her, but I fucking am. I don't find

ide, I finally let the tears fall, falling the

s pitch-black helmet, I saw the ax dangerously close to my precious neck. He held it

was going to do next. And the strangest thing was that even tho he was o

ted? It gave me goosebumps. My body trembled i

ul. As if... he could see me in a way no one else ever cou


am I so conscious about these men? And who the fuck is he? Why doe

Christopher, my damn brother-in-law, who was a stone in my way and who organized my execut

once beautiful head. And at that moment, a freezing wind surrounded

as a familiar feeling filled me at once as well as the

y separated from my body when the executioner's ax hit me. His moves were fast, I knew it was but the

ldly and the executioner with his stunning bright ruby-red eyes was nowhere to be seen. As w


d Current

myself, I was already screaming in pain. My neck and arms are

real or am

royal palace but in my childish light pink room from our manor at the Imperial Capital. Where we only came

Was my wish granted?" I shouted, already c

t a deep

came back... I am back..." I whispered to myself,

e the confirmation I needed. "Thank you, Goddess! ...Or whoever saved me! I owe you my life. When I discover who saved me, I'll make t

cars or broken bones and purple eyes on my face, neither on any part of my body

with an apprentice of the Knights back in the Nicholai Grand Duchy in Leopenia,

eyes. After staring at my reflection with my jaw on the ground for what s

ot fucking letting the story repeat itself. Things are going to be dif

you and that Goddess-damn 3rd Imperial Prince. I'll use my second chance the best I can. You said that we would

hings are going to change. I'm going to live for myself

forgive you, b

ill end up behe

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