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Cater To You ~Life with a Billionaire

Chapter 5 Entrapment

Word Count: 1336    |    Released on: 01/10/2022

he mission. "Sir, are you awake?" I asked as

at we will have a meeting this afternoon. The Legacy president will be present. It will be an introduction meeting, s

young lady, who holds a slightly agitated expression on her fac

with older men. I would generally flash a smile here and there and have them practically eating out of my hand. But instead, my

y, the ca

building stood in front of his eyes, illu

t the area with so many tall buildings. It reminded him of the city back in his country bu

time, the driver assists the bellman with his large amount of luggage. He looks at th

ocus on the elaborateness of this place at the moment. He was only minutes from taking off like a kid to run to the nearest bathroom in the lobby. But Shan

are on us. 'Admittedly, we look very nice wor

beautiful in form and looks. Her hair was off her face in a long glossy ponytail that softly laid on on

Still, Shane could only admire her from a distance because she appears not to be

ou were unfriendly, he didn't bother you. He figured after she did her job of g

ked up to the door and opened it as she entered the room. Shane paused out i

ime is money and money time." The young lad

handsome face. Shane had to remove his shoes. He knew he was in America, and their customs were dif

emove your shoes ins

was doing and requesting me. "Oh, You d

nal space, and this is my

duration of yo

ind removing

ng me to remo

oved our shoes. Then I proceeded to ta

turns out to look like a costly apartment. Shane's eyes darted

divided by a fireplace on both sides and a

l simply consist of the layout and details of the Legacy

to cut you off, but where

, "This is your bed

e minute he heard the word bathroom. She looked startled as he moved toward her with his dark eyebrows

to the bathroom. "I must apologize to her. Second thought, Why do I even care? Stay focused, Shane. Isn'

room, with her back to him, looking out the window that took up

longside her, saying. "Wow!

en she looked at him, Shane saw a pair of hot brown eyes with a sparkle. It was the first time he s

r you. It will give you time to eat and freshen up before your meeting on the 1st floor in the next hour. If you

ack up, the young lady had left his Suite. He

everything." The man utte

my best shot. The thought of looking at him made me upset

ou're welcome

hane, If that would

come up with to get out of this assignment? I don't care how much a bonu

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