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Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 02/10/2022

cker room, needing to change into his boxing gear. He knew had to exert himself to

m be and headed out. He soon flagged down a taxi and lef

acade and just be himself. He needed not to hide from his

ly because his wounds ran deep. Locating a free punching bag in the boxi

g you up today? You are

s sparing partners. Without giving him an answ

steam?" Kent offered with a crooked smile. He coul

nt and they both went


stood up to open the door. Leo got into the room and saw the young lady crouched at the corner of

emoving his blazer and setting it on the chair, he took th

k his painkillers from his shirt pocket and held them in his oth

hile smiling at her. He figured since he had a headache coming on, he might as

into his mouth and swallowed with a sip of water. He then coaxe

nk. Although she had lost her memory and was very scared, she

to her room now and then. With the help of Weister, they then

her memory but Frost was very much against it. He felt that whatever trauma the young lady had gone through

r. Cause he hadn't had a bite since breakfast, he requested the house help t

t move around much. She also seems to be getting us

learning to trust. I just hope that there is something that wil

knowing that she rarely ate and this might end up affecting the progress of her healing. When the food was r

ite a few punches. This made him even more furious. Unfortun

ulder, rammed into Kent who wasn't expecting such a dirty move.

o had come to watch the match so they got

pitting blood from his mouth. He knew his friend had a bad tem

ttered face and wondered what kind of a demon had possessed him. He had never lost hims

the showers, planning to render the apology later on. He knew he had some explaining to

realized Leo hadn't been in the gym with him. Leo picked up hi

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