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Word Count: 1154    |    Released on: 03/10/2022

. There was an awkward silence occasioned by the clatter

e she was sure she wouldn't be able to participate in any k

n event that seeped into her mind. Turning her head towards the

ing tuxedo while the bride, an equally tall (maybe cause she was in

o the camera for all the world to ca

and went to stand before the Television. The men who were startled

curdling scream and started throwing anything that was within her reach at the Tv set. She turned into a

down to no avail. Maria came running from her room not understandi

ike a tornado had just passed through and their gentle guest like a possessed

cle. Then, just like a light had been put out of her,

her up, and laid her on the couch. At the same time, Leo took his phone out

ening, curled up in bed with a glass of wine, her favorite book, and some cool music.

icked it up, hoping it wasn't an emergency cal

e's bleeding" rushed Leo not k

ister said putting her phone on speaker mode whi

on she asked them to rush the lady to the hospital and she would meet them there

e to get the car. Snapping out of it, Maria rushed upsta

a wonderful speed. This is the vehicle that they would normally use when attending functions concerning middle-class institutions

ering over them. She opened the rear door for him so he could get in. Not wanting to put the la

ister who lived a few blocks from the hospital waiting for them with a gur

m. Frost, without thinking pushed his way in too only to b

corridor was Frost's footsteps as he paced up and down the hallway. He was so wo

by his shoulders and sat him down. Surprised, Leo looke

wanted to do was to break the door open to find out what was going on in there. Without thinki

on the emergency door went off and Weister cam

abilize her system cause she looks like she faced a great trauma. She will be

ter almost three hours in there. As they narrated what happened,

e couple in the photo is what trigg

wedding couple. They might just have somethi

sked them to go back home and come back tomorrow cause the medics would handle it from here but Frost would hear no

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