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Till I met you (Bound)

Chapter 2Ā A ray of hope.

Word Count: 1573 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 04/10/2022


contained does a lot in deciding how interesting my life would transform or the polar opposite; I didn't want the polar opposite. I heaved a sigh clasping my hands together before settling them on my thighs. Well, here goes

my lungs out, exhausting my voice to the last of its capacit

. I jumped on my bed and danced silly around my room, my life was about to get better-it was about to get eventful! Ever since we moved to Fulton, Our lives had been pretty casual, shall I say? No, it was annoyingly tedious. It s

nd made its way into my throat, I let out another sick yell that

his voice from pinching into my ears. I guess mine must have d

re making my way out of my ro

on a swivel chair with his headphone around his neck and his hands dangling, rolling his eyes. Sometimes I wished they'd

lazy hands, I aimed for the console itself, too bad. He g

rom me, lovely sis? Cause I'd really like you to scram" His sarcasm m

res. Yep, typical me. The shelf made a rumbling noise from objects that fell out of place as a result of my hit. I mouthed a sorry e

blings. Ever

didn't like being seen as cute at the moment, he was in his typ

id of you," He made a relieved face althoug

her she's bac

t you to make my life unbearable, I'm

y, just imagine how it feels to be away from

he ran his hands through his light brown hair-contra

to. Smirks aren't my thing, Henry made that clear after showing me a picture of a patient with part

tray of cookies from the oven! And when you told Tracy I wet the bed back in fifth g

grade, two years older than you and way out of your leagu

er get, let it dawn on you, Dawn!" Now he wore a triumphant simper, whenever he

ings I was gonna miss-those things I felt as though I was losing. I'd mis

ery memory I cherished had him in it. Somehow, he managed to grow taller than I was in the blink of an eye which makes me sometimes

t. Still, she made time when she could to make sure we lived our best lives. It's funny how I vaguely remembered a father a

, so it stopped so his soul wouldn't. His physical features waned from my memory with tim

exceptional of a man he was. A kind heart and a smile that lightens up one's day, she'd alwa

, how his hair was like a rainy night-dark but shiny. I missed out on so

ment," he motioned towards the screen

At least you're

someone I kno

t though, I was pretty ordinary. Talents? none. Dreams? Nope. Interests? Uh, Nope; except if writing

tween the strings life sprung. I rolled my eyes and w

tial plan was to sort some of my belongings, resumption isn't until after a few weeks bu

escaped the ponytail I tied it into before grabbing my phone from the stool that rested on the wall next to my bed, I came on and revealed the

got into that colle

hree dots paced forward and backwards to

girl, I knew

a dozen butterflies flutter in my stom

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