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Till I met you (Bound)

Chapter 4 Her, again!

Word Count: 1731    |    Released on: 04/10/2022


it would be a lie if I said a part of me didn't want this — which I now regretted. Waltzing admist them was one thing — pretending to be regular and battling to urge to dip my f

e fearless ones I've seen in a while — I was still stunned. Despite the hei

an effect on people, especially those with a frail mindset, it was easy to intimidate them with just a glare; just a glare and some would freak out running or go on apologising for things they did even do. But this, this was unusual, I coul

my thoughts. I hadn't noticed her presence til


ned myself,

re asking a more pressing question. "

of people mundanes and signed a few d

must have missed so

s before sitting. "This one has an annoying strea

e to remind you that we have a house a few blocks away

room. "You mean this? I do not wish to sh

on your own. I'm tired of cleaning up afte

ning up you do is your idea of fun, that

and positively. Apart from the adverse effects of her intentions on mundanes, I sometimes got a taste of her idea o


ndle that was mounted on a silver tray, rubbing it with her thumb a

e you here f

yearned for pleasure, thi

new that

o you still harbour ag

w, I guess I want to see wh

ed him, she has for two centuries and she had no

pened, he's like family. That remains indi

place, we were never to be with mundanes. It wasn't a rule, just a product of calamities that happened when a vampire found lo

is lifeless body and vowed to get her reven

ver his lifeless body a couple of times before

as she was drained of all the affection. She became a thing tha

ordered Matthias' action in the name of her not losing sight

a creature she so dearly adored and sought a future with? She already despised

er disg

one of the perks of being

this go on?" I

family, just an unfortunate soul sired by our even more unfortuna

she paused. "when you see Matt


first to meet Matthias, and threaten him if I had to, so he leaves. These two were ticking bombs that coul

o live forever; it'd be a joy to know what it felt like to die or to live know

bably the most ridiculous thing I've done all ages but never have I onc

t secluded. I liked secluded. I found a place for my peace and quiet after a long day of watching Selene me

n the middle of a wild patch of land contained by trees, flow

was here


ound of rustling from, it indeed was

other," his voice

thias and that smug grin I had al

I bit on the last word, my detest

. Oh Selene," he threw his head backwards before his hand

ad as he stood before me, he was here because

end her but I can't say I won't retrain he

s ever. That was his strength,

Brownston, for ou

y," He retorted as expected. Predictable Matthias, if only he knew what

, his face barely

ve instead," He

e than to send a punch across his face but I held it in, I wasn

d with my Matthias to hear a person arriving. I neit

emises, you could get rusticated," The voice

clutching a bag to her chest, that bag — I knew that bag. A longer look

y, why on earth would she interfe

he sweet smell of blood. The mundane was here and she had blood

without a snack," Matthias mumbl


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