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Chapter 3 Way back to hell again!

Word Count: 1209    |    Released on: 15/10/2022

on earth are you still whining, I'm old enough to get married and have my own kids though". I said through the phone. I know she will scoff at me and roll her eyes before saying. "I don'

.?" "So what?" She asked . "You going on a date after, or you just dressed for me? I said smirking, as I moved closer to her. "Darling get over yourself, and whoever gave you that idea should be punch on the face" she said chuckling. "I can get over myself, but the question is can you?" I said confidently with what seems to be evil smile. I look silly on that by the way. I watch her intensively as her chest rises and fall when she let out a deep breath. There she goes. I smirk at her as she get flush with redness on her face. I moved closer to her until there was no other place to run to, her back pressed on the wall. "I still can make you blush?" I asked, not that I was expecting any answers though "And wet?" I continued to tease her. "Ki..Kim" she stuttered before pushing me off her front and made her way out of the run. "Uhm, oh Sorriii" "Why the rush girl!!". Zack said approaching to my door. "I was gonna ask the same thing" I said as I threw my towel at his face. "Stop it bitch!!, I'm not in for no joke now" "Says the biggest joker I've ever known" "Not any more" "Y'all fucking again?" "I wish" "Then why on earth those she look like she's been caught fucking another man dick" I honestly can't stand this dude anymore. "I don't know, dude, now let me brush my teeth" I snapped at him before entering inside the bathroom. "I didn't waste my precious time dressing up and getting set to come watch you brush your nasty teeth". Zack said grumpily. "Well how many choices have you got?" "Come smell em" I said showing off my teeth at him as I put my my brush. "Be gone" he said waving me off like I'm nothing . How dare he. "I'm definitely going to kiss you now" I said as Ryan after hun in attempt to seal our lips together. "Stay away from me!!, with your puking mouth" Zack yelled as he ran around the room in circles. "Hey! That was mean, I don't smell like puke I pouted" "Whateve

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