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Elsie at Home

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 3267    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ired, and the shopping expedition a grand success-everybo

he preparations for the wedding were going on, without more or less interchange of visi

he only one now left in the Ion family. She had always been somewhat of a pet with them, and during these last weeks of her life with them they treated her as one for whom they could not do enough; while her manner toward them showed full appreciation of their kindness and affection. Much of her time and t

eaving you," she sighed one day with starting tears, as they sat

Zoe, who had been with them, having

and sorrows-oh, mamma, mamma! at times the very thought of it all is almost unendurable, and I am tempted to say to Will that he may come to me if he likes, but that I can never tear myself away fr

re heart to think of it. And yet, daughter dear, we may hope to see each other very often-to spend weeks and months of every year in each other's soc

ast-oh, mamma, I cannot bear the thought of-of death comi

orld as I have; and after it will come the never-ending ages of eternity-eternity, which we are hopin

I fear I may miss heaven; I seem so far, so very far from fit for its employments and its joys-

increaseth strength.' 'They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.' 'Fear thou not; f

y my God? am I his?-truly one of his redeemed ones,

not; come, believing his word; 'I will in no wise cast out,' 'I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.' 'Surely shall one say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength; even

seat, taking up the work she had dropped. They recognised the s

g. You have not seen that youngest Conly yet, and Arthur considers Marian now qu

his mother, laying aside her work. "Come in a

mma," said Rosie, dropping her e

rold, "but we think it safer not to let Marian have the

ed Rosie, bringing her mother's mantle a

r to satisfy her doting husband, and though eager to exhibit her new treasure to al

love, mamma, and tell her I am not staying away fr

a slight smile; "but I will assure her of your interest in both herself and baby boy.

ned Rosie. "I shall not be lonely. I have letters t

y son will be very enjoyable," Mrs. Travilla r

e roads are in fine condition," he added as he took up the reins and they started down the avenue, "the fields and gardens along the wa

o the Giver of all good that you and I, and all our n

f sound health than I had in earlier days. It is saddening to witness suffering from accident and disease, but a great pri

minister to souls as well as bodies;

could not keep from you such gladness as the knowledge of that fact brought me-I have been privileged to win some souls to Christ-smooth some dying pillows-and to lead

nd gratitude for you, for them, and for myself-that I am

lands Dr. Conly came out upon the v

king forward to your visit with longing, both to see you and to exhibit to your appreciative

gotten how lovely and what an inestimable treasure my first baby seemed to me; thoug

g the rest, I hope, m

a loving smil

with us, Harol

sy myself here with the morning pape

e and there on bureau, mantel, and table, and blooming in the garden beneath the open windows whence the soft, warm air came stealing in through the lace curtains. But

claimed with a look of eager delight, and holding out her hand in joyous welcome. "I ha

a smile and a tender caress, "and I wanted to come sooner; should

His father and mother think him the sweetest creature that ever was made," she added with a happy laugh, laying a hand

it too in tender

is good gift from our Heavenly Father, and wish for you that he may grow up i

ours that we may have grace and wisdom to train him up aright, shoul

ng thing; scarcely fit for so great a responsibility; but I am more glad and thankful than words can t

gest and most lasting impressions are apt to be made. No doubt you feel-as I often have, often do-like crying out in the midst of it all, 'Alas, who is sufficient for these things!

with a look of relief. "I wish I were as well

as well as I, have it at hand to turn to in every perplexity; and if you do so you will find th

said Arthur, "and my Marian and I will endeavour to m

e babe stirred an

. "Don't you want to take him up, papa, and

" laughed the doctor, bending over the crib, gently lifting the babe

lvet cheek. "There is nothing sweeter to me than a little helpless babe. I hope he may live to grow up if the will of God

s, his mother will be fully satisfied,"

dearest," was Arthur

ght," she said in sportive tone, "for it seems to hide all my

kind of blindness, I think," remarked

Marian requested with a look of keen interest.

her thoughts turn upon the approaching separatio

n," sighed Marian. "Ah, what a world of partings it

be! no sin, no sorrow, pain or care, no death, but eternal life at the foot of the dear Master whose l

I never could before my little darling came. But now, about Rosie and her

or some time settle permanently in any one spot. Mrs. Croly is an invalid, almost constantly being taken from place

ay, I think they would better bring her here and put her in our doctor's

of the head, "don't allow yourself to take to the business of h

t?" asked Marian, turning

told that her case was considered incurable, but I

her! She may well deem herself fortunate i

she is kind-hearted and I hope will prove a pleasant and helpf

t. And is the wedding t

o fix upon one in the latter part of June; which I hope will give you time to grow strong enough to make one of our party. But I fear

e you will come again soon, dear cousin," Marian

e, Arthur," she added, "I know the way and have a son waiting there on the veranda to hand me into the

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