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Elsie at Home

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1749    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

de. Dr. Conly made an early call, prescribed, talked to her and Eva in a cheerful strain, saying he hoped that rest and a change of weather would soon bring her at least a measure of re

so soon after recovering her!" sighed Mrs. Leland. "I think we mu

y effort in our power to prepare Laura for the great change

what a comfort it is that we may take there all our fears, cares, and anxieties for ourselves and others! And how precious the Saviour's pro

m and plead it for our poor dear Laura, and for Eva, that s

petition. I am going now to Woodburn-the captain having telephoned me that one of the servants

s Christians and as warm friends of Evelyn. And i

had to tell of the arrival at Fairview, and of Laura's feeble and ailing condition. They were evidently full of sympathy for both mother and daughter, a

a when the doctor had gone. "Papa, don't you think I

in that line, and your services may possibly be needed at some

ink," said Violet, "but whatever

in you to say that; but if I am thorough in anything, most of the credit belongs to my fa

is a lesson I have endeavoured to impress upon each one of my child

their father," remarked Violet with a look of loving appreciation up into

s seem to me that papa does everything he underta

ing his watch, "But it is high time we were in the schoolroom, daughters. Elsie and N

remarked Lucilla with a slight sigh of disappointment and regret, as sh

ar so; but her first

arest to her of all earthly creatures. The young girl's loving patience seemed never to fail, and her heart was continually going up in earnest, silent petitions that her beloved parent might be made meet f

er one than had been that of Eric, Evelyn's father, years ago. To him talk of things heavenly and divine had ever seemed easy and natural,

or it. Evelyn's only consolation was in the knowledge that others were uniting th

gth succeeded in speaking a wor

it?" gasped Laura, as she lay panting upon her pillo

ck,'" returned Grandma Elsie in low, sympathising tones. "The Bible tells us that 'God shall wipe away all tears fr

of alarm, "and I don't want to die for years to come, though it is ha

y into the anxious, troubled face, "and surely it is the part of wisdom to make careful preparation for that which we must inevitably meet, sooner or later. And if

joy to him, except for leaving us. But oh, I am afraid of death! Hard as life is

ken it; and now salvation is offered as his free gift to all who will accept it: 'Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redempt

h a look of mingled anxiety, hope, and fear. "But one mu

ntance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.' Ask him, remembering his own gracious promise, 'Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; k

do begin to love him and to hate and abhor my sins that helped nail him to the tree." With the last words tears coursed down her cheeks. "I want to be his, whether I live or die," she added; and from that hour a great change came over her; her sufferings were borne with pati

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