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Elsie at the World's Fair

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2809    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

er chapter. There have been few changes among our friends at Ion, Woodburn, and the other plantations belonging to the family

ing village; Rosie has attained her twentieth year and entered society; but Walter is still one of Captain Raymond's pupils, as are

his first-born, or one more likely to do good service to his country in his chosen profession. It seems hard at times, a sad thing to have to do without his boy, yet he never really regrets tha

nd his wife, Captain Raymond and his wife and family. The captain's plan was to go by water-in his yacht-up along the coast to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, through that up the river of the same name, through the W

more, having no longer any business to attend to, and both he and his wife being fond of the sea an

ness engagements to hurry him, availed himself of the opportunity to make the jour

when they left home for their trip to the North. They had a pleasant voyage, making f

bed and sweetly sleeping, but all the others had gathered on deck to catch the first glimpse of the

asked Grace, pointing to a

. It is a wrought-iron cage at the end of a spar which is held in place by a heavy cast-iron anc

to keep off sho

shed to go, to the Electrical Building to gaze upon its wonders, and also for a ride in the electric launches. "But," he added, "I think ther

r to see it all, pa

l are," s

or two; all but the little ones, who can be left in the care of their n

ll not be likely to wake, and Ag

itation with pleasure, captain," Elsie said. "Surely

I, as well as Grace, am eager to see the bea

orthy of our attention before we reach eve

Lulu, "there is ano

d Evelyn; "for we can start out at once to see the sight

sky," remarked Grandma Elsie; "those sunset clouds

beautifully reflected in

tone, "and I propose to give my particular attention to such as are

reach the Peristyle?" asked Walter, apparentl

to be able to point out to you presently som

leship Illinois fo

side view of her. Some day I hope to take all of you who may des

m a bit too auld to take part in a fight, even in a righteous cause,

hardly expect to ever make one of the

laughed Rosie, "though I am very sure no o

rother expects to, I shall be ve

er to explain everything to us," added Lulu

is," he said, "still too distant for a critical survey, but

eyes turned in

aimed Grace, as they drew near enoug

ized model, above water line, of our coast li

eal ship

brick, on the bottom of the lake,

alter. "And how about her

stroy almost anything of ordinary resisting power within three miles range.

must have cos

ed thousan

ng!" remarked Evelyn. "Do yo

erfully. "What is worth doin

sently they were in front of the beautiful Peristyle, gazing in awed admiration upon its grand Arch of Triumph,

ted admiration and an eager request that they might land at once and get

e all pacing that grand colonnade to and fro, and gazing out delightedly now upon the blue waters of the lake a

the statue of our great repub

y cap, in the other a globe, an eagle with outstretched wings resting upon it; that symboli

she should be to adequately represent our g

feet, forefingers forty-five inches, and ten inches in diameter. Her cost was twenty-five thousand do

to her, papa," remarked

the liberty she represents has c

d Rosie; "it should be very considerabl

s is thirty feet above water. There is a stairway ins

d them to express their sense of the loveliness of the scene; that mighty statue of the Republic dominating the eastern end of the lagoon, that grandly beautiful Macmonie's Fountain at the other, its Goddess of Liberty seated aloft in her chair on the deck of her bark, erect and beautiful, with her eight maiden gondoliers plying the oars at the sides, while old Fathe

h those brilliant lights, as were those of the Peristyle also, and of the grand structures between-Manufactures, Electricity, and Arts

beautiful!" exclaimed one and another as they

dministration Buildin

untered on toward it, still g

s landing with the Spanish flag in his hand, and to listen to the inspiring music of the bands; the

pper promenade, which they found also very beautiful, giving lovely views of the surrounding grounds. The vault

dome they saw the Ferris Wheel, upon whic

Walter emphatically, "and mamma,

asked, looking from he

nsmore adding, "and I think we will

voice, and turning quickly about they

and enquiries were made concerning some others

been taken by the party, and in charge of the faithful attendants brought from home, whi

only a few minutes ago discovered the Dolphin lying at anchor

s ago," replied his mother, "but as the delays

surprising, as I never knew you to do so about anythin

one of her faults,"

an you take us to the others? I am sure it wo

Court of Honor we will come across each other finally, no doubt, as

at we could not persuade ourselves to go farther to-n

n, gazing with delighted eyes upon the fairylike scene-imposing buildings, playing fountains, the waters of the lagoon dancing in the moonbeams,

!" exclaimed Lulu. "Father, dear, I hope

intend to go home in the Dolphin, as they came, there will be a number of voices entitled to a vote

I certainly feel no desire to start for

xchanged. Then they broke up into little groups and sauntered on through the beautiful scene till it was time to seek their resting places for the night,

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