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Lust and Love

Chapter 2 Unfriended

Word Count: 1038    |    Released on: 12/10/2022

felt dismayed as the jolly days were fading and reality was dawning upon her. Kevin had avoided her like a plague for days after the last i

hall continue to avoid her till such thoughts don't come to mind anymore then I can restore our friendship, at least this is for a good cause, he sighs laying on his bed and trying to shut his eyes. He couldn't stop reminiscing about her body, he imagined what her breast would look like when she was 18, he wondered if he kissed her lips if it'll taste like the strawberry perfume she wore, he envisioned tapping her ass and squeezing lightly, he anticipated hearing how her voice would sound if she moaned from the pleasure he could offer and how she whispered his name beneath her breath, Kevin, oh Kevin, the name sounded a lot more real and he jumped out of bed realizing he was daydreaming with banging on the door and the call of his name even louder. Oh my jingles!, he exclaimed I was dreaming about Elsa and here she is banging on the door, peeping through and seeing the rage in her eyes, he echoed, Go awa


prepared a meal together, they talked about their childhood days and what they had missed, it was a good day for a little bit of catch up. Dinner was ready and they set up the table together while screaming; Dinner is ready in an attempt to distract the boys from their game but it proved ineffecti

in to find her naked, rubbing her oil on her legs with her headphone plugged in standing in front of the mirror lost in the music, she immediately saw his image in the mirror and she shrieked, what the hell Kevin? he stood there numb, gazing at her, he tried to utter something but he had lost his voice, his hands cold as ice, Kevin! Kevin!

unable to focus, as Elsa kept throwing daggers at him with her bloodshot yet beautiful hazel eyes, at other instances this look had meant something

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