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Chaos from the moon

Chapter 9 Chaos

Word Count: 1501    |    Released on: 13/10/2022

orest around her would have been swallowed in darkness had it not bee

remember stopping at the gas station to admire it with Victoria, but as she searched

far as her eyes could see. She seemed

, she could not remember the road to the valley being surr

e tried taking a step forward but quickly came to th

m bells in her head, warning her to move her legs and a

and ankles painfully held her fast against a thick, wooden po

as tr

alled out, her

me go! This is all some sort of misunderstanding. You've got the wrong per

as going to die? C

? Why am I in a forest?" These questions plague

her heart in

to you!" She screamed into th

n't have to do this!" She pleaded to whoever was out there. It wasn't her fault that the San Francisco Chronicle had been assigned the

b and did not deserve to

t it was to no avail. The shackles were fastened so tightly that the more she move

orts were futile. She tried calling out again. "

sobs she had tried so hard to hold bac

ows. "Indah does not recognize you, child. Who

uinting her eyes, she tried to see where the voice

, hoping that the voice belonged to someone fr

ou are," The voice said slowly as the owner em

rangest person she had ever encountered in

he was draped in a loose white cloth that merged with her wrinkled, pale skin and white hair, making

Naomi muttered in disb

ifferent. Her deep, rich, and almost masculine voice was repl

this all a dream or had she already been admitted to a psyc

at herself," The old woman said as she slinked closer to Naomi,

" Naomi answered, trying to be brave as

extremely clever or this child did not belong on this plane. She did not care t

not belong here, so Indah would send you back. All of you,"

led, beckoning to the old woman but she had turned away, walking tow

n to chant in a language that sounded like a mixture of various

ided to get her attendants to strap her dead body to a pole, above a platform of firewood where s

er constraints. That was unexpected but it meant nothing as the shackles would with

Indah chanted repeatedly as the fires in her hand crackled,

, chanting all the way. Simultaneously, four masked figures poured

come any closer!" Naomi cried out, t

g her before the old woman did, and the

She tried to move, to somehow escape the growing heat tha

hen she could have switched shoes. All s

, smiling menacingly as the four

at's going on but we can resolve this without fire!"

s end. Indah will not let your corruption fester," Indah declared as she slo

an energy that Naomi hadn't felt before; it

od-curdling scream that was proof of the t

orce of the power unleashed from deep within her disintegrated the shackles holding her in place, extinguished all the torc

e wooden platform,

ed forth from her was gone with the only evidence

ould manage to whisper befo

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1 Chapter 1 In the beginning 2 Chapter 2 The Omen3 Chapter 3 A warning from the unknown 4 Chapter 4 Duty over desire5 Chapter 5 The Betrothal6 Chapter 6 Secrets and schemes 7 Chapter 7 Poison8 Chapter 8 The priestess 9 Chapter 9 Chaos10 Chapter 10 Fear, flight and determination 11 Chapter 11 A mystery to uncover 12 Chapter 12 Decisions 13 Chapter 13 A Kdrama Experience (1)14 Chapter 14 A Kdrama Experience (2)15 Chapter 15 The subtle art of deception 16 Chapter 16 Oh, You Little Thief 17 Chapter 17 To the block18 Chapter 18 Power 19 Chapter 19 Princess Nezetta 20 Chapter 20 I dream of her 21 Chapter 21 Fire, Blood And Dern22 Chapter 22 Terrors of the past (1)23 Chapter 23 Terrors of the past (2)24 Chapter 24 Voice in my head 25 Chapter 25 A brewing romance 26 Chapter 26 White-hot Jealousy 27 Chapter 27 An Act of Compassion 28 Chapter 28 The abomination 29 Chapter 29 Impending Banishment 30 Chapter 30 An urgent message 31 Chapter 31 Barrier32 Chapter 32 A second soul mate33 Chapter 33 Interrogation 34 Chapter 34 Engagement and a Suspicious Cousin 35 Chapter 35 Unexpected arrival 36 Chapter 36 She's alive 37 Chapter 37 A very eventful engagement feast 38 Chapter 38 Remove your cousin from my chambers 39 Chapter 39 Inches between us40 Chapter 40 Back in my world 41 Chapter 41 This wedding must happen42 Chapter 42 Wedding bells43 Chapter 43 Prying eyes 44 Chapter 44 I love her, you bastard 45 Chapter 45 The portal 46 Chapter 46 In which a moment is cut short 47 Chapter 47 You fight like a drunken brute48 Chapter 48 She's dead49 Chapter 49 The beast awakens50 Chapter 50 Mastery of magic51 Chapter 51 Captivating 52 Chapter 52 Journey to Rynzonia 53 Chapter 53 Infiltration 54 Chapter 54 Cliff! 55 Chapter 55 A war is coming56 Chapter 56 Revelation 57 Chapter 57 The princess returns58 Chapter 58 A palace murder 59 Chapter 59 Goodnight kiss60 Chapter 60 A tour of the kingdom 61 Chapter 61 How to kill royalty 62 Chapter 62 Separation 63 Chapter 63 Coronation day64 Chapter 64 Pretense65 Chapter 65 Traveler's spell66 Chapter 66 A plan of action67 Chapter 67 Exterminate 68 Chapter 68 Bitter pill to swallow69 Chapter 69 Fancy seeing you here70 Chapter 70 Naomi's back71 Chapter 71 I love you, Naomi72 Chapter 72 Plot twist 73 Chapter 73 Unrelenting fog74 Chapter 74 Drawing her out75 Chapter 75 Aelyna76 Chapter 76 Child of fire77 Chapter 77 Dragon bonding78 Chapter 78 An expected guest79 Chapter 79 A feud between siblings 80 Chapter 80 A meeting with the lolos81 Chapter 81 Live tensions82 Chapter 82 Discoveries83 Chapter 83 Blood and inferno 84 Chapter 84 Training begins 85 Chapter 85 Training with Azriel 86 Chapter 86 A perfect birthday 87 Chapter 87 Desecration 88 Chapter 88 Protect you89 Chapter 89 Regret and despair 90 Chapter 90 A bargain struck 91 Chapter 91 On fire 92 Chapter 92 Set in motion93 Chapter 93 A threat to life 94 Chapter 94 Treason 95 Chapter 95 Take me with you 96 Chapter 96 My choice 97 Chapter 97 The taste of fear 98 Chapter 98 An imminent confrontation 99 Chapter 99 Hope100 Chapter 100 Ready for battle