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Chaos from the moon

Chapter 4 Duty over desire

Word Count: 1776    |    Released on: 13/10/2022

14 of th

ity of Volcaris, no

corner of the street of Shayr, known for its many brothels and taverns, located o

ible as he dodged a lousy drunk and sat on a ta

nger dressed in revealing clothing, belted out a melodious tune with a

ents of the redhead's body though, as his striking eyes, black as midnight fli

rposeful gait gave him away. Even with his disguise, she could never mista

whisper as she sneaked up behind the cloaked figure, slinking her arms around hi

a," Prince Daegal smiled lovingly as he whispered back, his own

loak revealing his face, a face

t day Daegal had met her, she was with her master, supplying drinks to the w

e after crate of wines, beers and juices produced in the Summer Islands a

loading of the shipment of drinks much to his annoyance, but after seeing

other than Prince and Subject, but after nearly a year of secret l

l Prince could never be seen taking a commoner as a life partner and they both knew that. So, for t

mperor had eyes and moles in every corner. It wasn'

ou would actually be looking for in

ppearing under her long, silk gown to caress her thighs gently. Daena ga

d in to share a kiss. Before their lips could connect however, Daegal stopped

r at a table in the center of th

a asked as she noticed his atte

aw someone familiar," He responded,

eave?" Daena

railed off once the two men rose from thei

st of the Estor tribe anywhere and that was exactly what inscribed in the armor o

nsing the urgency in his voice, Daena didn't as

aced his full attention on the men, risi

Volcaris, but these men from his father's personal guard were taller and bigger with

to the Unity Rock," The shorter of the two

know I was he

things," The taller of

hands over his face. He could only hope th

her was, he knew that he might not

he imperial stables waiting outside. He had snuck to the tavern from t

stand up to the emperor and make him understand that he was in love with


Your duty to the Estor tribe, Nebulos, Volcaris and the rest of the fucking continent comes befo

n he was ushered into the throne room for an audience with his father instead of eith

around with a prostitute in the streets of the c

r and I will not allow you to criticize her

ommoner? What sort of spell could she have cast on one of the most advanced mages the continent has ever se

ease! I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her and

had turned out to be so weak as to let a common woman rule over both his h

uties to the continent but he would not relent if those duti

chosen not to make had his son listened to him. He could not have his h

nstructed to the guards stand

uld not be who he feared it was. He had seen her le

too well, cried out as the bearer was dragged into the throne room, the burning torches lin

o the throne without care. She landed on her

er as he had originally wanted to, so as

u are looking for someone to punish for the supposed wrongdoings then punish me

or being involved with his son. It wasn't her fault that she was born without royal

you, but it is necessary as it would teach you to be stronger, m

ng them out. The taller guard came up behind Daegal, locking his arms while the s

ll to no avail. Fear and anxiety flooded his being as the shorter guard grabbed a hol

hroat was

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1 Chapter 1 In the beginning 2 Chapter 2 The Omen3 Chapter 3 A warning from the unknown 4 Chapter 4 Duty over desire5 Chapter 5 The Betrothal6 Chapter 6 Secrets and schemes 7 Chapter 7 Poison8 Chapter 8 The priestess 9 Chapter 9 Chaos10 Chapter 10 Fear, flight and determination 11 Chapter 11 A mystery to uncover 12 Chapter 12 Decisions 13 Chapter 13 A Kdrama Experience (1)14 Chapter 14 A Kdrama Experience (2)15 Chapter 15 The subtle art of deception 16 Chapter 16 Oh, You Little Thief 17 Chapter 17 To the block18 Chapter 18 Power 19 Chapter 19 Princess Nezetta 20 Chapter 20 I dream of her 21 Chapter 21 Fire, Blood And Dern22 Chapter 22 Terrors of the past (1)23 Chapter 23 Terrors of the past (2)24 Chapter 24 Voice in my head 25 Chapter 25 A brewing romance 26 Chapter 26 White-hot Jealousy 27 Chapter 27 An Act of Compassion 28 Chapter 28 The abomination 29 Chapter 29 Impending Banishment 30 Chapter 30 An urgent message 31 Chapter 31 Barrier32 Chapter 32 A second soul mate33 Chapter 33 Interrogation 34 Chapter 34 Engagement and a Suspicious Cousin 35 Chapter 35 Unexpected arrival 36 Chapter 36 She's alive 37 Chapter 37 A very eventful engagement feast 38 Chapter 38 Remove your cousin from my chambers 39 Chapter 39 Inches between us40 Chapter 40 Back in my world 41 Chapter 41 This wedding must happen42 Chapter 42 Wedding bells43 Chapter 43 Prying eyes 44 Chapter 44 I love her, you bastard 45 Chapter 45 The portal 46 Chapter 46 In which a moment is cut short 47 Chapter 47 You fight like a drunken brute48 Chapter 48 She's dead49 Chapter 49 The beast awakens50 Chapter 50 Mastery of magic51 Chapter 51 Captivating 52 Chapter 52 Journey to Rynzonia 53 Chapter 53 Infiltration 54 Chapter 54 Cliff! 55 Chapter 55 A war is coming56 Chapter 56 Revelation 57 Chapter 57 The princess returns58 Chapter 58 A palace murder 59 Chapter 59 Goodnight kiss60 Chapter 60 A tour of the kingdom 61 Chapter 61 How to kill royalty 62 Chapter 62 Separation 63 Chapter 63 Coronation day64 Chapter 64 Pretense65 Chapter 65 Traveler's spell66 Chapter 66 A plan of action67 Chapter 67 Exterminate 68 Chapter 68 Bitter pill to swallow69 Chapter 69 Fancy seeing you here70 Chapter 70 Naomi's back71 Chapter 71 I love you, Naomi72 Chapter 72 Plot twist 73 Chapter 73 Unrelenting fog74 Chapter 74 Drawing her out75 Chapter 75 Aelyna76 Chapter 76 Child of fire77 Chapter 77 Dragon bonding78 Chapter 78 An expected guest79 Chapter 79 A feud between siblings 80 Chapter 80 A meeting with the lolos81 Chapter 81 Live tensions82 Chapter 82 Discoveries83 Chapter 83 Blood and inferno 84 Chapter 84 Training begins 85 Chapter 85 Training with Azriel 86 Chapter 86 A perfect birthday 87 Chapter 87 Desecration 88 Chapter 88 Protect you89 Chapter 89 Regret and despair 90 Chapter 90 A bargain struck 91 Chapter 91 On fire 92 Chapter 92 Set in motion93 Chapter 93 A threat to life 94 Chapter 94 Treason 95 Chapter 95 Take me with you 96 Chapter 96 My choice 97 Chapter 97 The taste of fear 98 Chapter 98 An imminent confrontation 99 Chapter 99 Hope100 Chapter 100 Ready for battle