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Fighting For Peace

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 963    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

, and forcing of this abominable war ha

We willed this war, ... willed it because we were sure we could win it." (Zukunft, August, 1914.) But in general the off

ance.] Gentlemen, that is a breach of international law. The French Government has notified Brussels that it would respect Belgian neutrality as long as the adversary respected it. But we know that France stood ready for an invasion. France could wait. We could not .... The injustice we commit-I speak openly-we

e chosen as the fairest the one printed by the American Assoc

that the German war-lords were the attacked instead of the attacker

oven, in his essay on "The First Victories in the West," has shown that the French high command was taken off its guard by the swift stab through Luxembourg and Belgium, and could not get the Fif

statement is correct, now proposes to spoil the future of Belgium by splitting the nation into two administrative districts, Flemish and Walloon, thus injecting the poison-germ of disunion into the body politic. She also demands "the right to develop her economic interests freely in Belgium, especially in Antwerp," and a guarantee that "any such men

General von Bissing, former Governor-General of Belgium, published by the Bergis

ce of England and France, as well as the prey of America, who is seeking to utilize Belgian securities. There is only one way to prevent this, viz.: by the policy of force, and it is force that should achieve the result that the population, at present still hostile, should become used to German rule and submit to it. Moreover, it will be necessary, through a peace assuring us the annexation of Belgium, that we should be able to protect, as we are now compelled to do, the German subjects who have settled in th


as slipped my memory-which seems to fit the case perfectly: "

. von Mach, The Macmillan Co., New York, 1916. The comments and footnotes in this volume are untrustworthy, but the texts

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