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Us Three - Book 2

Chapter 3 To Make Things Right.

Word Count: 963    |    Released on: 21/10/2022


g for weeks to decide if I should fight for my r

Emma, there’s an impor

ced. I am-boarded the jet, a car w

pmom and also my ex- mommy dom. The car ride was long, so to kill ti

o him. As for Emma, I miss everything about her but above all how much she loves me, that g

of that day, I was informed we have reac

member the last time I’ve been here. Ringi

my father’s mouth d

up d

d him in

e you son, it’s

each other. I don’t see him much becau

what are y

s but stops when

y, what a lovely surpr

e spread across my lips. I

s so happy to see me. I have to see him

ce” my d

a grea

ther anymore or even friends. My dad is always rooted to us

Hi, I forgot about


answer, knowing he w

so sweet every t


?” I nod and his eyes l

ushing on her, fighting for her attention all

our hearts from the moment we b

ing up and such. It was now time to

e left for bed and now was the

eality TV. I pull her up roughly and

.” She rubs my face an

her teeth as if t

submissive,” I mad

eyes and pulls

ow, kneel and be good

might have once upon a

staring right into tho

family, if you ever come ar

ls at Em

l regr

ious I am. I go to exit the roo

rt to stay away fro

but I didn’t care. I left her there feeling empo

m, I kissed his head

. Time to go make things

as waiting for me and we m

them was staying at our home. Emma was near, though she was at the house we b

ie back in my chair. Where would he go? I ask myself and suddenly it clicks gosh

to them and ask for us to be again,

knew, would be super pissed at me. Her stubbornest mixed with her pr

re of all three of them. I’m coming

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