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Us Three - Book 2

Chapter 2 Mixed Emotions

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 21/10/2022

beauty is unmatched but on top of that she's

mile, a smile that always cheers me up on a sad day, a

e gained weight or lost? Did she keep the Bob I suggested for

d myself some alcohol. I ne

s with my loves. The liquor burned as I swallowed, bu

ast of my liquor, I


e cure I used to treat the guilt I experience daily for leavi

ong, I love her. I love them equally. But I've never spent this much time aw

me they confessed they ha

questioned my best friend, afraid I'd lose him.

to look at me. “Clay please tell me wha

lose you either. " I pulled my best f

me what's

I'll lose you. " I pull away to look at him

r what you're hiding” his eyes scanned mine and before I knew it, his

's that what you were so afra

ecause I have


urns out he developed a crush on me around the same time I developed to

abbed another bottle, only to put i

t them. I crawl back into bed, getting

onna last. How stupid of me to believe it

s could have been prevented.

abbed my phone book, searc

esitated for a while

familiar voice


oing? haven't heard

en great

d y

Jada and I are

eaking about Jada,

name and a few seconds

, S

I wanna tal

, you poor excuse of a man,” I

ant orders. I'm pretty sure puni

me. She's a very

him now," a loud slap

kind of man leaves his preg

ing, which means he

e and threw it across the room,

, what kind

The thing is, I wanted her for myself. sharing her with

w high. He hurt Emma and me mu

took it up, surprised

ize for my submis


hough, what you

another drink, my guilt m

o?, the last time I heard

en months pregnant,” his

e in the playr

on't puni

she feels, she should always be respec

but I just can't

ut with her. She needs y'all an

ks, m

n my


me. It's her fault. Why do I even care?. For

d to: me

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