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Bittersweet (English)

Chapter 3 Bittersweet

Word Count: 1380    |    Released on: 23/10/2022

Raghu's mobile. She couldn't take it since he placed it on

g me? She look

on its own but Sathya lost her sleep. Closing her eyes for a moment she f

their dreams in this modern new world, burying all my dream of starting my own restaurant one day is like killing my self. For all these days I was working hard ignoring the people who look me differently, enduring the people who throw negativi

hed his sharp and perfectly shaped nose. She quickl

ya thought that she will

s and when he saw her standing awkwardly beside her parents he kind of had

is going to be her everything in just a day. But to her surprise, he doesn't have anything to

ps all over her body. She secretly likes this feeling that whenever he i

out him? Is he a good man?

of time and days to understand him. This is not the time,

ya went to finish her morning chores. Having a hot just relieved t

t of her dresses were dull colored cause she felt it was so comfortable being in black

icing his closed eyes she changed her dress. After changing s

happened. Gritting her teeth out of emb

o sleep? Why I am finding

ifferent view of their living room, gazing

out to check whether he is up from the bed. Knowing h

om. Raghu was smiling brightly holding a gold medal proudly. And next to it ther

t I have so many to th

at it, Raghu came o

e. "I am a gold medalist in 2006 commonwea

" she uttered

alked to the balcony to have his

r and the work she enjoys the most while doing it. Using the simple ingredients she made Roti an

ing different today. He usually wakes up at 7 or 7.30 and getting ready like

to arrange her clothes in the cupboard, actually, she felt nervous cause it is his first time going

ldn't control herself. "How is i

asked in


he replied

to arrange her clothes. After she is done she tied her shoul

up after eating. She ate the leftover Roti

avy hair a few times and finally the perfume completed his manly look. He came out a

ifted his gaze. "What about

my office cafet

cook lunch I will do it," s

or me in the morning itself," he said and shoved his hand into hi

" she

ill drop you,

he train," she firs

t way, why you are wast

entally she was smiling since

rd to kiss her. She first moved a little but he pulled her shoulders close to him and kissed her fev

im, locking the door behind Raghu followed her. "Shall we go buy some groceries after


her stomach. She tried to brush off those thoughts but whatever she does she is feeling the

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