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Bittersweet (English)

Chapter 4 Bittersweet

Word Count: 1910    |    Released on: 23/10/2022

tract, it won't give a proper text

re enough right?" she asked

t pop at the top and also cake will have a juicy texture," he

Anna," sh

t time trying baki

I like to try It," she answered blushing and that is because of her

hey were talking about even though he doesn't want to hear anything. If it was before Sathya's marriage sh

rate. She took it out and saw Raghu's number. She still hasn't saved him in her contact list

routine life, it gave no chance for her to sit simply

tired tone. Replying that she will come in two minutes in a

I name you?

ful in talking with him, she only talks about what he required as h

of her question and turns to the other side, that way she found his full name is Raghuram and his dad's name was Shivaprakasam. He did his schooling and college in Coimba

o protect her, he cares for her or else why he is waiting for me outside after his tiring w

e turned off the phone and came

han usual. Thankfully tomorrow, the Sunday she

baking are the two gr

nt to buy groceries with Raghu. He only paid the bills f

is protectiveness on her. It is so beautiful to hav

ted to admire him without her conscience. Now her

turned his gaze from somewhere to Sathya. He didn't

ng very normal clothes but she looked perfect for his eyes. He

apartment she walked before him to their house. Gazing her Raghu followed her on the st

for the first time and she turn

closed eyelids w

ave work

and only half of the so

walked pa

to their room. She picked up her pajamas and after taking bath she came


nt coffee?

" he

nice coffee, which has tasted heavenly

balcony sitting on the floor. Giving his c

of the room after they came from w

? She thought and loo

to be a cook?"

ng story," s

o know," he added which

tudying the tenth standard one day after finishing the special class I came to home all drenched in the heavy rain. My dad was sick at the time so my mom and dad went to the hospital in th

n I was about to eat my parents came from the hospital they had the food that I prepared. My mom was surprised after tasting

me. I slept that night without eating since they left nothing for me but

eing our economic status cause girls won't get many jobs as a cook. But I am an exception," Sathya told her story reminding th


from what I thought," h

e thought about me bef

ppened to your fing

an accident,

d but she couldn'

n usual she found that so silly. Perhaps I haven't seen any tall guy that's

is Ooty?" She

and stayed in the hostel until

. He was a state level champion so he easily got accepted in that colleg

government job, later he left i

ow stopped

o Olympics then I stopped running totally," Sipping the coffee he s

is parents cause she thought he

hu suddenly asked her whe

es were fixed on her. "Fo

er? She doesn't know anything about him... What happen

illing him from the m

aid beside her, for a few minutes he doesn't touch her th

he couldn't control it after that. They made love because in each

earched for Raghu who was standing upsid

prise. Noticing her he fel

hat hurts?"

and looked at her, her face

their room. Raghu standing in that

Vanilla strawberry N cake. She made it very caref

ure and cut a p

eading a book. Sathya smiling went to him carrying the cake.

nful of that cake into his mouth he was speechl


ed her witho

?" She ag

t," he told an

the kitchen," telling that she went to the terr

hand on his chest to feel this sudden st

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