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Chapter 4 Episode 4

Word Count: 1279    |    Released on: 19/10/2022


Adrienne and Adrian were both shocked to see each other and it was all written on their faces. Adrienne wanted to mutter something but Adrain took his eyes off her immediately. They were in front of so many influential people and Adrienne thought it was wise for them to comport themselves.

"Do you have anything to tell the audience?" The host asked them and Adrain nodded with a smile and Adrienne flinched. Why does he like to beat her to things like this?

"Sure." Adrian responded and he was handed the mic. Smiles were still all over his face and the audience seemed to like his handsome


"It is an honour to meet people from different walks of life. Not just people, people of value. I am glad to be here and I appreciate this opportunity the Dior brand gave me. I promise to do my best for this great brand. Trust me, you would not regret." Adrian finished his

short speech and bowed to the audience who responded with a round of applause.

The whole auditorium was thrown into a tantrum and Adrienne became jealous. She expected Adrian to hand over the microphone to her as soon as he finished his speech but he did not. Instead, he gave it to the host.

Her eyes blinked in surprise. Did he think she was not going to say anything? Was that how he rated her? or he just wanted to take all the glory to himself?

an through her mind an

"You have all heard the great speech from the young ambassador and I know you were all pleased with it. So without wasting much time, let us move on to the…"

Adrienne tried giving the host a sign, to remind her that she has not said anything but the host did not notice as she was so focused on the audience.

Adrain saw her making faces to get the host's attention and chuckled silently when it failed.

The ceremony was done in no time and they were expepcted to wait behind for a reception. Adrienne and Adrian were giving the ambassador's certificate and were both promised to get the ambassadors awards if they did their best.

Adrienne was with her mother when Adrian came up to her.

"Good day ma." Adrian greated with a slight bow and a sweet smile. Adrienne scoffed and thought within.

"Is this how he always behave? Acting like he is very respectful so that he can gain their heart. Such a manipulative crook."

"You are Mrs. Lucille son!" Adrienne's mother exclaimed and her daughter gave her the what the fuck look.

"Yes, ma'am. I just came to say Hi. My mum has told me a lot about you—great things actually and I'm very pleased to meet you." Adrian smiled.

od liar." Adrien

"How lovely! That is so thoughtful of her." Adrienne's mother said, beaming with a smile.

"You are no different from what I have heard ma. Humble and good looking." Adrian continued his flatters and Adrienne became really uncomfortable.

She did not like how this conversation was going and how her mum paid attention to him.

"I bet you got this look from your mother. You are so lucky," Adrienne's mum said.

Adrian loved the attention he was getting and did not mind when Adrienne grumbled.

"I just hope you have not forgotten that I am here." Adrienne muttered and Adrian turned away to conceal his laughter.

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"I did not mean to cause any harm between you and your mother." Adrian apologized.

"Oh yes, you already did. You always love stealing attention. Are you happy now?" Adrienne fired. She was really angry.

"You guys know each other from somewhere?" Adrienne's mother gasped with her hands covering her mouth. The silver ring on her

and it was quite obviou

chool." Adri

"And you never told me? You knew Mrs. Lucille Crown's son all these while?" She hollered and her daughter rolled her eyes while playing

know who Adrian's mother is or who he was eit

"It may have skipped her mind. I apologize on her behalf. Sometimes, Adrienne can be so forgetful." Adrian blabbed.

"Even at school?" Adrienne's mum asked shooting her daughter a dangerous glare.


"That is not true!" Adrienne cried out. "Do not listen to this scum bag." She continued and she felt her palms growing clammy.

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"Mrs. Archie." A crooked voice called and Adrienne's mum tried looking for where the voice was coming from. Finally, she spotted a

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"Mr. Robert." She responded and got up swiftly from her sit, on her way to meet him but suddenly, she remembered she forgot her purse.

o where it was

Enjoy the reception.

at?" Adrie

"A business partner." Her mum answered in a sonorous voice as she left hurriedly.

There was a sudden awkward silence between Adrienne and Adrian when Adrienne's mum left. Adrian took a sit close to Adrienne and coughed.

around the reception where there were

photos with them and b

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"What?" Adrienne blurted out. Her eyes popped out as her heart thumped and a quiver ran through her body.

e left alone." Adr

"What is that supposed to mean? I can see you are blind not to see that there are people everywhere, Adrian Carl Crown."

"Woohoo. See who just called me by my full name. What happened to blue eyes huh? By the way, I caught you staring again while we were at the podium." Adrian teased.

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"You think, I am that ugly. I wonder why your mum does not think so." He laughed in a quirky tone.

"She only said that to make you feel good. There is nothing special about you." Adrienne stressed so that he could hear every word she said.

"Oh! You are Mrs. Lucille's son. You look just like her." Adrain mimicked Adrienne's mum and they both burst out laughing.

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my friend. And you can take him for

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