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Chapter 6 Episode 6

Word Count: 1460    |    Released on: 19/10/2022


d out in surprise and

nd kissed her husband on his lips. "

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here?" Adrienne asked as t

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had a beautiful night as t

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Adrienne walked into the school premises after her driver dropped her off. Everywhere looked a little new to her because she traveled to Paris and she has missed the vibes the school brings.

While walking down the school hallway, she heard whispers from people who passed her but she did not pay attention to them. It was the moment she opened her classroom door that it dawned on her, the reason behind the whispers on her arrival.

"Adrienne. Welcome back to England." Noel said, jumping happily but she brushed past him. He was the class vice president.

"We saw you on the national TV. You looked really cool. I loved your dress." Samatha disclosed.

"I never knew you guys watched Tv." Adrienne teased as she got to her sit and settled down.

al media. Do not for

"Adrienne. You never told me you were an ambassador for Dior. That is such a huge win." Sofia acknowledged and Adrienne gave her a wide smile.

is. I will give you gir

You couldn't even tell your friends about it. We had to se

wasn't intentional.

by the way." Jasmine smiled

"There was another guy with you. He looks really familiar. Any one with his or her phone to confirm?" Bella, a petite girl with curly hair asked.

a model." Anot

"I did." Josh answered and waved him phone and they all gathered round him.

page on Instagram

They all started watching the ceremony on Josh phone so that they could know who the guy was. Some students who did not have the

opportunity to watch it, used this chance to catch a glimpse of the international event.

aying anything. There was no way she

"Fast forward it to where they were called on stage. This beginning is rubbish." Noel complained and the rest supported him.

"I will prefer if we take it slowly so that we can get the full gist." Jasmine countered.

"The applied arts teacher will be here soon. Let us just fast forward it. We will watch the boring part later." Esther complained. She's the president of an art club and she has a huge crush on Adrian.

"No part is boring. You are just interested in seeing the handsome guy." Samantha teased and they all laughed. Esther covered her face

towel as she w

not." Es

e." Samantha

The classroom door opened and no one heard because of the noise and most of them where engrossed in the video.

"Don't bother. I was the one with Adrienne." A voice said and everyone looked up. It was Adrain. Some girls in the class used their eyes to follow him till he got to where they were gathered.

"What! Are you surprised?" He asked when the stare was becoming too much. Adrienne shook her head, bringing out her Applied arts book to skim through before the teacher walks in.

The noise was really disturbing and Adrian's arrival did not make things better.

ious, Adrain

"Do I look like I am joking? I was there with her. What else do you want to know?" He said with pride.


"Wow. You guys are so lucky." A guy with dreads acknowledged and Adrian beamed with pride.

"Your speech was awesome." Esther complimented. Everyone knew she already had a crush on him and they mumured.

"Thank you. Thank you. Now, you guys already know who the handsome guy in that video is." Adrian said with his hands in his pocket and walked to his desk.

eyes focused on a

"Hi, Adrienne." Adrienne did not answer him and he laughed at her attitude.

drienne speak

tage fright." Jasmine s

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possible." Adrienne blu

"I didn't just have the chance." She muttered and her focus returned to her book.

?" Adrian asked and g

"That is rude. You just interrupted my reading." Adrienne shouted and tried getting the book back from him but she could not as Adrian lifted the book higher. Adrain looked at the book and scoffed.

"Applied arts? One would have thought you did all this while at home or are you trying to avoid attention as everyone is talking about us?"

ed rolling

"Us? I don't bother about unnecessary attention because I have always got them. I am not like you, you know. Attention seeker." Adrienne responded with her hands folded on her chest.

"One would think we fought before we came to school." Adrain said, skimming though the book.

ill watching the eve



chance." "Adrian's com

audience loved him." Flew around the class and Adrienne tried her best to ignore them.

d over my book to me n

"And if I don't?" Adrian replied and the applied arts teacher walked in. The whole class became very rowdy as everyone tried to hurry to their sit and maintain decorum.

"I can see someone brought a phone to class. Can I have it?" The Applied arts teacher asked, stretching out his hand.

know?" Sam a

now." She

he owner of the

"I do not want to hear anything from you. Give me the phone as it is. I can hear a video playing." The applied arts teacher said.

He can be very strict sometimes, that is why most students don't like stepping on his toes.

orget to put it off

Josh got up from his sit and walked towards the teacher, handing over the phone to him. The applied teacher focus became on the phone as the video was still playing.

the class and he orde

"Silence!" The class became silent again and everyone looked at him attentively.

"I can see what you guys spent your time watching. Well, there is no problem," He said and switched off the phone, putting it inside his deep pocket.

The students could not be trusted as they can go behind his back and collect it.

." He called and

d." They answ

"I saw you guys on this video as an ambassador for Dior brand. Congratulations!" He said with a wide grin and they both smiled.

"Thank you sir." Adrian answered while Adrienne looked at him and scoffed.

"We will have a quick test now." Mr Fred disclosed and everyone gasped.

The clas

ou guys have any p

"Sir, we are not in test week." Esther complained. Adrianne's textbook was still with Adrian and she looked at him, urging him to give it to her bit he pretended as if he did not see her.

Adrienne knew that the teacher won't ask them to draw. So it is going to be theory based.

"It is just a speed test. Trust me, it's quite easy." He announced and started distributing the test questions. There were sighs and mumbles in the class but he did not care.

"It will be added to your C.A. Do not joke with it." Mr. Fred warned and the whole class became quiet.

n in this test." Adrienne s

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