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What's Mine Is Mine

Chapter 6 :

Word Count: 1965    |    Released on: 21/10/2022


le to give me the serenity I craved for. The gazebo. So, every now and then I wou

y. A shrieking sound escaped me as I screamed at the top of my lungs. Jerking my head back towards t

into words as I spit, "I can't believe these match-making parties are still happening in the 21st century. Is it too hard for people to understand that nothing could be more

el voice, "Can you shut the fuck up?" I jolted around at the sound coated with annoyance. I

poor, creaking bench. His coat was resting beside him and his black shirt was hugging his muscular body tightly. I couldn't help noticing the muscles bulging

ok. The Ace of Spades was inked into his arm. Recalling my knowledge of poker cards, I remembered that the Ace of Spades was the highest-ranking card in the deck

After a beat, he opened his mouth again, "And isn't it too late to voice

take away his hand from his face and acknowledge my presence. He had the

oned him, "What are you doi

g all the place. I was pretty much 5 feet 7 inches tall but the way he wa

to my eyes and said in a voice laced with mocking, "Or ar

ike my knees were jelly. But somehow, I found the force to keep standing and raised my chin, "I don't th

ature inside the gazebo was so sizzling? My fingers were itching to readjust the lock

and formed a malicious smile, "Bidding

ngerous. Vicious was written across his forehead but today, I was nothing but a rebel. I took

, of course, no one here is of my standard." At that, he looked me up and down in disgust like he was talking about me. Narrowing his eyes a bit, he continued, "Doesn't that explain my reaso

. And it wasn't any tattoo. It was the tattoo of The Phoe

me out of his damn car. And once again, his rudeness and attitude had set me on fire. Crossing

makeup have never been up to my sleeves, you know." Contorting his lips in yet another mocking smirk, he hurled another insult a

t's what these people think of me? Do they really think that I was one of those children who was dear to everyone? Only if he had known that my own mother despises me and my father treats me

ecause he was done insulting me. Tears prickled at the end of my e

failure at running away from the house,

cing me. He opened his mouth to answer in that cheap sarcastic way of his. But I beat him to that and said as calmly as I could, "In fact, who exac

y effect on me. I started moving down the steps while he answered in a proud tone, "Ever heard of Walker Automobiles and Space Origins?" A mockin

o my head. Boring my eyes right into his, I replied, "Walker Automobiles and Space origins? That multi-billionaire, well-known company that has been manufacturing and di

ever in the million years would he have thought that I could be the bearer o

dentity? As far as I know, the company was founded by your father, and he is the one wh

into his eyes where the fire was igniting and said disgustingly "Look who is talking about standards here. A person with no goals and no struggles. A puppet of his rich daddy. You are no one, you have no identity. You are just

pper arm. With a harsh jerk, I twirled around and pressed against his hard body. Placing my palms on his chest, I pushed him away but the man didn't

rage flooding out of our ears. He bared his teeth and said in a ruthless,

are you to judge ME? Why do you think that you

r provide them the same." I didn't wait for his reply. Now that his hold was not much tightened, I pushed my hands agai

without glancing back even o


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