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What's Mine Is Mine

Chapter 10 :

Word Count: 1461    |    Released on: 24/10/2022


't even met my to-be groom. Not that anyone cared about that. I didn't pay any heed to any of this marria

always been sad for me as it was mostly spent in the house or at som

I was done with college, it was time to apply for university. One morning I was summoned to the breakfast table, Father told me that he has ordered his secretary to apply to the New York Business University. Of course. How could I be so fool

the table. I folded my hands in front of me and very calmly managed to say, "Father, I'm afraid that there's no need to disturb Mr. Noah

s eyeballs literally popped out of his eyes. Mother flun

ds her, "Very

you even have any idea how much your father and I had work

hard to make you people happy but you have always managed to find some disappointment in me." I cleared my throat

er, I received a letter of acceptance from Business University. The very next day, Ms. Jane disposed of the new clothes, bags, and books in my closet. T

m. Never had I ever been stubborn about anyth

nd went to the University. With calm steps, I entered the building and looked around for the right place to go. One of the s

a moment, he pointed to the left, "Your classroom is

to guide the newcomers then it would be more helpf

nd pointed in the direction, "Go straight ahead and look

d him. He spoke to my back, "Wai

You can keep it for showing the way to the ne

him and greeted him with Good Morning and shoved my Acceptance Letter toward him. He took it and opene

and he placed the letter on the table, "First of

study business so, I want to cancel my admission. And no, I won't be changing my decision. Also

dy. Let me discuss the

llowed to make such a decision for myself, after a question or two, he finally agreed. The man from earlier told me the procedure and asked me to bring the pap

puted Business University. He dug himself into the papers and computer screen. After a while, he asked me if it was my fina

r straight two weeks and Mother never left any chance to berate me or taunt me. But I didn't let that get

g to take that opportunity. Father showed his disappointment by shaking his head and muttering, "Only if I would have a son." Mot


room with Ms. Jane behind her. She was carrying a purple dress and a pair of sanda

closet and set the dress there. And to m

onfusion, "Lun

d at me, "

ling him my groom. We aren't married yet.

and said, "About not knowing each other. Well, he wants

"Oh, so he does have

ress. And you need to be at Hotel Mariott

to my bag, "I ha

air, "One day leave wo

er understand that. So, I said dejectedly, "All right, I

and turned around to


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