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Seven days of love

Chapter 6 I think this situation should be handled as such!

Word Count: 1698    |    Released on: 24/10/2022

tled a bit, opening her mout

le, impatient to the point of confusion.

omething strange in the world, poi

nds is genuinely heartbroken. "I checked the list, and it turns out

nd said softly, "How can I have

ed to borrow the party tonight to introduce you to M

dered it!" Jennifer Lee's voice was weak and ti

e suspended. In contrast to the second actress, Anna Gad, who is up like a kite in

ent industry, and the glory is only for one night. In contrast, her agent – Emily Hinds,

, who can never forget Jennifer Lee, and that is the investor – M

mily Hinds was knocking on Jennifer's doo

ennifer Lee invited her into the living

g something out of her pocket and shoving it in

the document in her hand and gently unfolded it.


invited you to play the antagonist, as the second actress in her mo

was taken aback. This… how come this is possible?

ng skills, so they cooperated with you. Moreover, this time it was Elsa Bell w

the contrary, there was a trace of uneasiness in her heart. Sh

aganda, very strong financial investment, most importantly..." Emily Hinds

opportunity to get clo

Lee was

contract, after a series of tension and suspense

s supreme silk, incredibly soft, designed specifically for her, and he

ith the grit of a star actress

ght away." As soon as the director saw Elsa B

her?" Elsa Bell rolled her eyes and looked around. The

d shouted: "Jennifer Lee, Jennifer Lee. Haven't you finished the

all, white jade hand

auty like a flower in the morning, and very simple but elegant jewelry. Around her neck she wo

e shoulders. She was born with a great aura. After wear

n't see the necklace anywhere, just found it again..

The director's attitude immediately changed one hundred and

of the staff around were also a

's clothes were better than hers, and she couldn't help but w

ite?" A harsh voice

for white, I'm the one who chose this outfit!"

ll's voice showed e

well, is it okay to leave it like this on the scree

be that your eyes are above your head and you can't see that the color of her clothes is in com

ace and yelled, "Change her in

just about to say but was i

and I'll

hould go change immediately." The director saw that Jennife

to see actresses havi

ee changed into a secon

ls. With this blue dress, Jennifer Lee is like the rain on the lotus leaf, like the dew spreading her paint; she see

her people can't take their eyes off!" One of t

nifer Lee smiled modestly and looked at

wo flower-like dimples, hearing her que

became increasingly uneasy,

irector just shouted the start; Jenni

na. She is the daughter of King Oaken's Sister - Princess Louis, that is, th

, calm, and ethereal temperament, especially her lifelong love that cann

plays the role of Sana Shirley – her good friend. The latter eventually becom

f the film, choose t

blows, and Elsa Bell, as Queen Iduna, p

y years, didn't expect... you would pay the price


– a person who makes others extremely disgusted. "Today, I still call you Sister because I still thin

y are crazy!" Queen Mina looked a

ld it be... don't you realize that the emperor's heart is no longer your image? In his eyes,

face changed, and she s


lap like heaven hit Jennifer Lee's


outed to stop. The staff working here were

er face with her hands, looki

r. "Mss Bell, what are you doing?

with disgust; there was no apology, only a cold senten

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